When Jesus stood on the Mount of Transfiguration, there appeared with Him Moses and Elijah. Moses represented the Law, Elijah represented the prophets. But the Father spoke from the cloud and announced: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him" (Matt. 17:5).

Jesus gives us a bold entrance into the presence of the Holy Spirit. No longer are we to live by the rules and regulations of the Law. The Holy Spirit has become our regulator. Jesus came with the words of forgiveness, acceptance, and righteousness. We are no longer connected to God through the Law and the prophets.

Jesus was the fulfillment of all that Moses and Elijah represented. Now our link is with God Himself! If you will trust Him, you can be led by Him. You can hear from Him, and you can be changed to be more like Him.

Holy Spirit Participation
He opened wide the door into the place of a higher level of participation with the Holy Spirit. He is now transforming us into people who will not hinder Him from moving, but will enhance His work.

In 2 Corinthians 3:18 there is a powerful statement about this transformation. The Amplified Bible reads:
And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continue to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.
God has deposited the potential of His divine nature within you. Through your desire for God's Word, the Holy Spirit begins to move you from this potential into experience. He will move you from victory to victory as this deposit emerges and comes to the forefront of your life, transforming you into His image, His splendor, and His glory.

You may feel as though your progress has been limited and you have not experienced the strength of the Holy Spirit, but God's Word says, "Let the weak say, I am strong" (Joel 3:10).

Cultivate These Qualities
God has seen your weaknesses and frailties. But His strength within you is greater than your weakness. Stir up an awareness of His presence. He can accomplish great things in and through you as you yield to Him.

Give place to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to cultivate these specific qualities as you move into new levels of involvement with Him.
  1. Grow beyond potential into productiveness.
    Do not allow the desire to accomplish something in the Kingdom of God to be substituted by a mere fantasy about what you could do. Faith and fantasy are not even remotely related.

    Faith springs up from the spirit; fantasy issues merely from the soul. Make a strong commitment to pray, to tithe, and to grow in God's Word. Only then can deep progress really come.
  2. Put away un-Christian attitudes.
    You must develop a new attitude which says, "Others may—I may not." It is easy to justify wrong attitudes. Sometimes we see others who are older in the Lord leaving areas unchecked and "seemingly" experiencing success, but we cannot join in.

    Don't criticize or condemn others because you see a wrong attitude. Simply seek a better way. The Holy Spirit recently spoke this to me: "Others are not responsible to give Me the kind of service I ask of you. Keep your eyes on Me. Don't look for the company of many others. Much of the way you shall go will be alone, except for My presence."
  3. Focus your attention and heart on things above.
    Colossians 3:1-2 in the Phllips translation says:
    …Reach out for the highest gifts of Heaven, where Christ reigns in power. Be concerned with the heavenly things, not to the passing things of earth.
    The sharper our focus, the clearer our vision.
  4. Open yourself to the Holy Spirit.
    Stir up the anointing within. Cultivate sensitivity to the promptings of the Spirit.
  5. Be strict on yourself and easy on others.
    The demand God makes on you must be taken seriously. You must seek to develop an intolerance in yourself for the things He hates.

    But you are not to make His demands for you the measuring stick for those around you. You can influence people, but you cannot control them. You are never supposed to.
God will lead you into a new dimension of walking and living in the Spirit. You will not need to struggle to enter in, only follow. Your steps will become clear before you and your path brightly illuminated as you give place to Him and release His potential in you life!

Source: Yielding To The Holy Spirit by Dennis Burke
Excerpt permission granted by Dennis Burke Ministries