Teenagers do you know what we need? We need a supernatural injection of the blood of Jesus. We need the redemption factor of a God that loves us so much that He was willing to send His son to earth and then to the cross.

Jesus knew His destiny and He knew His purpose and that purpose was to go to come to earth and live among us before going to a hill to die so we would all have the opportunity to experience life everlasting.

The Bible says, "No greater love shall a man have than he lay down his life for his fellow man" (John 15:13).

Jesus showed us how much He loved us, He just didn't say it in word, He accomplished it in deed.

When my daughter, Tori, was just a little girl, we used to play a game. I'd go, "Tori" and she would say, "What?" I'd say, "Daddy loves you this much." (I would hold my hands out about shoulder length apart.)

She'd go, "I love you this much." (And stretch her hands wider.) I'd say, "But I love you this much." (Stretching my arms even wider.) And she'd say, "I love you thisssss much!" (And try to stretch her arms as wide as she could.)

Jesus did that very same thing for us by stretching out his arms out wide and saying, "I love you thisssss much." But in that position, they nailed Him to a cross.

His arms were outstretched, His blood flowed to the ground, He was beaten, mocked and left to die just so we could be redeemed from the curse of sin and death (Rom. 6:23).

Young people, you are a blessed generation! Many call you Generation X or Generation Y, but in reality you are generation CHRIST, generation anointed!

You have been called, anointed and appointed by God for such a time as this!

And that's the TRUTH!

Copyright © Go Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.