Before we were born God had a plan for our life. According to the Word of God in Acts 17:26, He planned what we were called to do, the time, the place and boundaries where we are to do it. Our God, in His awesome wisdom chose us to live in this day. He did not choose St. Paul or St. Peter, but you and I, to be the last generation before the coming of the Lord. He has graced us to bring in the harvest.

That is an awesome thought and a sobering responsibility, but at the same time it is a relief to know that we do not have to trust in our own human, natural strength to do it, but His grace. God’s grace—His abilities and gifts—will empower us as we go and step out into that calling that He has graced and anointed us to do.

God ‘s calling on our life will never be taken away; God does not change His mind (Romans 11:29Amp). What He spoke will come to pass, He declared the end from the beginning. He declared that we would be His glorious Church to show this world the love of God. Jesus has declared that he is building his Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church.

It is good news to know that as adversity and adversaries show up on our way to the destination God has for us that the mountains ahead are temporal (subject to change); they are temporary, they are changeable and movable. With this attitude and spirit of faith we know that we are overcomers because God does not change His Word, name or mind about us, or our calling.

This is good news to those who might have had small beginnings, knowing that adversity and circumstances cannot change God’s mind, knowing this creates a no quit attitude. God’s plans will come to pass.

God has ordained our steps and works according to Ephesians 2:10 and Psalms 37:23. Just like Jesus knew where He came from and where He was going (John 8:14), we, too, can and should know where we are going. By knowing where we came from, we can look back and see God ordaining our steps in life, getting us to this day and the days ahead.

Once someone has spent quality time with God—intimate time in prayer, praying in the Spirit, reading His Word and  listening to the voice of the Lord—they can develop this knowing in their heart of the call of God. Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice and His sheep follow Him, so as someone hears the Lord they must do what He says. We as sheep do not want to get out from under our Shepherd’s care.

This excites me about the days ahead, because in knowing God’s call on my life and knowing in what direction He is leading me, I have assurance that my Shepherd will not lead me astray as I obey His voice.

We must stay faithful to the call of God in the small beginnings and in the adversities in our lives; as we do, the Lord will increase us and we will be given more, because we have proven our faithfulness in the small things..

Dr. Jerry Savelle says, “Faithfulness is the #1 quality that God looks for in those He calls.” God is looking for some people who are willing to fulfill His plan and call on their lives.

Jonathan Doctor Ministries
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