There are two distinct characteristics about the eagle in the storm:
  1. He shows utter fearlessness in the face of destruction
  2. He has the ability to soar
We need to become just like "eagle" Christians—fearless and confident in the face of adversity, snatching victory from defeat as we soar to greater heights!

You see, the eagle doesn't have an identity crisis; he's not searching for his identity. He knows what manner of creature he is and what he is able to do. He knows that he can hunt skillfully for prey or simply soar majestically in the sky.

And that's the way he lives.

How Do You Live?
But did you know that through the Word of God, you and I can know who we are too!

We can know who we are in Christ and what we have in Him, where we're going in God, and how we're going to get there.

In addition, we can live in continual victory as we apply those spiritual truths to our lives. That's the way the eagle Christian lives!

But too many times I hear folks say, "I know what the Word says, but I just don't know whether I'm really an overcomer or not."

You see, it's not enough to just know the Word. You have to act like the Word is so; that's the only way to experience real victory. Otherwise, you'll continue to doubt and wonder, and your life will be filled with sadness, despair, want, and lack.

Now I am not saying that you're not a Christian unless you're living like an overcomer.

Certainly you're a Christian if you've received Jesus Christ as your Savior, but I want to encourage you to be an eagle Christian!

Source: Soaring with Eagles by Kenneth Hagin, Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications