Sometimes people reach a place in their walk with the Lord where they wonder why things are not as comfortable as they used to be. Well, it may be that they need to grow up! It may be that God is stirring them just as a mama eagle stirs up her nest and flutters over her young!

That's what the Lord may be doing with you. He's fluttering over you. He's taking away all the things in your life that make it easy to stay spiritually complacent. He's trying to help you get up to begin to move out of your comfort zone and learn how to believe Him for yourself (and not just for yourself, but also for others!).

Now after a few days of stirring up her baby eaglets and making them walk around in the prickly nest, the mother eagle gets in the nest behind them and flutters her wings until one of the eaglets finally climbs up on the rim of the nest. But the mother eagle doesn't stop there. With the fluttering of her wings, she deliberately crowds him onto the rim and right off the edge. And there goes the tiny little eagle, free-falling!

You may be thinking, "Brother, that's me! I feel like I've just been pushed over the edge of my comfortable life, and I'm free-falling. So what am I supposed to do now?"

You have to do what you've seen other Christians do: use your "faith wings," and start believing God!

You may be on the ledge, so to speak, looking down on a situation that seems impossible. You may be in midair, trying out your wings of faith for the very first time. You may look as though you're about to hit rock bottom and then it will all be over. But friend, I want to tell you that the Heavenly Father will not let you fall (Ex. 19:4).

After a while, your faith wings become strengthened because you've been constantly exercising them. Then you have no problem at all when you come up against a chasm of tests or trials because you're used to relying on God's Word. So you jump right out in the middle of that great gulf, knowing that God's Word is going to hold you up and bear you safely to the other side.

If you're ever going to soar with the eagles, you have to be willing to trust God and leave the security of the nest. And if you're ever going to receive the things you believe God has spoken to your heart and see them come to pass, you have to be willing to try your spiritual wings. (They're there; you just may not know they are!)

It's all part of growing up spiritually. You can't always remain in the nest of safety. Sooner or later you have to learn how to step out in faith. You have to get out of the nest and learn to fly!

You see, many people are not going to get any more direction from God until they first make a move. I'm not talking about moving out of town or moving to another church. I'm talking about moving on with God and developing their faith.

Sometimes folks come to a place in their Christian lives where it seems like they just don't know where to go or what to do. It's as if they're stymied in their spiritual growth. And I believe one reason is that they haven't moved on with God. They haven't developed their faith.

So you see, you're going to have to make a move. You're going to have to step out of your nest of spiritual dependence and complacency and learn to trust God. Don't be afraid to try your wings of faith. You have the potential to soar on those wings, and one day you will - but not unless you make a move and take that first step!

God will never limit you from receiving all He has for you. The truth is, you are the one who limits God in your life! How big can you dream for God - how much can you believe Him for? Your answer to that question will determine your spiritual altitude or how high you will soar in life with Christ.

The limit is yours, not God's. Study the Word and you'll see that God doesn't put any limits on you. He says, "Nothing shall be impossible unto you" (Matt. 17:20). He says, "What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" (Mark 11:24). In other words, God says you can have whatever you can believe for according to His Word.

The Word of God says it this way in Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." It's up to you how high you will soar in life. So take off the limits and set your sights high in God. Learn a lesson from the eagle: Build your spiritual house on the right foundation, on the Word, and build it strong so it will stand the test.

Then don't be afraid to step out in faith and try your spiritual wings. It's something you have to do. Your mother, your father, your sister, or your brother can't do it for you. God Himself can't even do it for you.

You have to learn to believe God and take Him at His Word. If you will, pretty soon you'll find yourself flying over the chasm of impossibilities with nothing underneath your feet but God's Word. And you'll find yourself soaring to greater heights than you ever thought you could attain!

Source: Soaring with Eagles by Kenneth Hagin, Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications