The Lord is still in the healing business, saving business, and baptizing in the Holy Spirit business. Nothing is too hard for the Lord. Nothing is impossible with Him.

We think things are impossible, but with God nothing is impossible. If you can believe that, the impossible can happen in your life.

That's what Jesus said to the man who brought his son for healing. The son had some kind of spells. At times he would fall into water or fire. His father had his mind on what Jesus could do. He said, "if thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us" (Mark 9:22).

That's where a lot of folks miss it. They've got their mind on "What can you do to help me?" But that's not the main problem at all. The main problem is: What can you believe?

Jesus answered the man, "...If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23).

All things are possible! How many things? All. Say that out loud: "All things are possible." Say it again: All things are possible. To whom are they possible? To the person who believes. Say this out loud: "I believe."

Renew Your Mind To The Word
Too frequently we look at a situation and say, "That's impossible." But, praise God, there is no such thing as impossibility. I don't care how hopeless it looks.

Somebody said, "We need to become possibility thinkers." We're trained to think that way. If you don't get your mind renewed with the Word of God—if you let your flesh dominate you—you'll keep on thinking that way until it is impossible. You'll say, "That's impossible"

We need to retrain our thinking. All things are possible. All things are possible to him that believeth.

This worked in the Old Testament days too. We can learn a great deal studying how God helped men and women in the Old Testament. We can see what these individuals did to obtain help. (You see, if God is the Healer under the Old Testament, and He's the Healer under the New Testament.)

Some of the same principles work. After all, human nature is the same; it hasn't changed. It is identically the same. Human beings and human nature were the same under the Old Testament as they are under the New Testament.

Sin is also the same. A fellow who was stricken with leprosy in the Old Testament wasn't any different from one stricken with leprosy in the New Testament. And if a man stole something in the Old Testament times, his sin was no different from that of the man who stole under the New Testament.

God is the same God now that He was then. The Bible says He never changes.

Fishing In The Past
Many years ago I was holding a meeting in Kansas. One afternoon I went to the church to prepare for the evening service. I was praying, and I got to talking to the Lord about the past. I could see some places where I had missed it. At the time I thought I had done very well. But when I looked back, I could see some glaring mistakes, and I felt bad about them.

The Lord puts our mistakes under the blood when we ask Him to. Not only that, He said He hides our sins in the depths of the sea (Micah 7:19). And like Corrie ten Boom said, "we oughtn't to go fishing for them!" But, being human, we sometimes do.

So I was fishing for some of those things hidden in the sea of God's forgetfulness—things that can affect your faith and hinder you from obeying God and being an effective minister of the Gospel if you get to thinking about them.

I remember how the Lord helped me that day. While I was praying, the Lord reminded me of what He said the time Samuel went down to Jesse's house to anoint one of his sons king in Saul's stead. Samuel didn't know which young man it was to be.

Naturally they brought the oldest son, Eliab out first. When Samuel saw him, he said—evidently to himself and maybe to the Lord—"Surely the Lord's anointed is before him" (1 Sam. 16:6). Eliab was of a beautiful countenance; he was of a fine stature. He must have looked like a king. Surely it must be he, Samuel thought.

It is strange how God selects some of the most unlikely prospects and makes kings out of them when they don't even look like kings.

The Lord said to Samuel, "He's not the one." God said,
Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
(1 Sam. 16:7)
We're not the Lord. All we can see of a person is the outward appearance unless God gives us discerning of spirits to look into the human spirit. That's the reason the Bible says, "Judge not, that ye be not judged" (Matt. 7:1).

The Lord said to me, "I wasn't looking at you on the outside. You're looking at where you missed it from purely the physical, human, natural standpoint. But I was looking at your heart all the time. Your spirit is your heart. Even though you had done wrong and had missed it, I wrote down, "this man's heart is perfect toward Me."

In the Old Testament, one can read where Hezekiah was reminding the Lord that his heart was perfect toward the Lord. However, it doesn't say he always was perfect. But Hezekiah wanted to do the right thing, whether he did it or not. That's what the Lord is looking for.

Then the Bible says that Hezekiah "wept sore." That means with great weeping.
Then came the word of the Lord to Isaiah, saying, Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith the Lord, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears; behold, I will add unto thy days 15 years.
(Isa. 38:4-5)
Notice He didn't just say, "I heard your prayer." He also said, "I've seen your tears."

To summarize, it says in the first verse that Hezekiah was "sick unto death." That means he was dying. Isaiah the prophet came and gave him a message from the Lord, saying, "...Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live" (Isa. 38:1).

Not only was King Hezekiah incurably ill, but God Himself had pronounced a death sentence on him!

What is amazing is that Hezekiah did not die. Furthermore, he did not set his house in order. What did he do? Thank God, the Bible tells us exactly what he did: "Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the Lord" (v.2).

We know that Hezekiah also cried and prayed. All of us have cried and prayed at times, and it didn't get us results, so we know there has to be more to it than that. The other important fact is that Hezekiah turned his face to the wall. There's great significance to that.

What does it mean? It means he turned away from man.

Look To The Right Source
The reason many people haven't gotten results yet is because they're looking to man for results. Perhaps they're looking for some prophet to deliver them.

But Hezekiah not only turned away from man; he even turned his face from Isaiah, who was the greatest of the prophets!

He turned his face away from his own sensations.

He turned his face away from his own symptoms.

He turned his face away from his own sufferings.

He turned his face away from sympathizing relatives.

He turned his face away from medical skill.

He turned his face to the wall.

And with his face to the wall, Hezekiah could only see one thing: God.

Source: Turning Hopeless Situations Around by Kenneth E. Hagin
Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications