Developing an effectual prayer life and consistently reading the Bible enables you to become more intimately acquainted with God. You learn to recognize and understand His nature, and appreciate the value He has placed on you.

The God Who created woman is the Lord Who gives the word (of power). He calls women to bear and publish the good news, and we are a great host (Ps. 68:11 AMP).

In the beginning when God created all things He said, "Now we will make humans, and they will be like us. We will let them rule the fish, the birds, and all other living creatures." So God created humans to be like himself; he made men and women (Gen. 1:26-27 CEV).

What were God's intentions when He designed woman? Did God give equal power and ability to both the woman and man? Does God allow women to minister in the church? What do you believe about the woman in Proverbs 31?

After attempting to be this woman, I concluded that she is a composite of God's woman describing various gifts and talents deposited within the makeup of individuals.

God created you a distinctive person, and I want to encourage you to find the answers to these questions. The Holy Spirit is the One Who will guide you into all Truth - the reality of who you are.

It takes valuable time to answer these questions. The church and society at one time were very specific in defining "WOMAN" according to her roles. In the environment where I grew up it was understood that the woman would stay in her place at home and in the church.

Was this "place" God's place for her? Who decided that she was too emotional to make decisions, and that her ideas and opinions were invalid?

God declares that you are a capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman more precious than jewels, and your value is far above rubies or pearls (Pr. 31:10). Our Lord Jesus honored women, defended women, and valued women.

Jesus brought redemption to everyone - both men and women. He delivered those in bondage to sin, forgave them, and restored them to wholeness.

After many years of fighting to break out of the mold designed for me by others, I came to know the Creator as my Heavenly Father. It would require much studying, praying, and emotional healing before I quit fighting to be the "me" God created.

I could not make this happen - I was not able to change me - there seemed to be no escape from my prisons of guilt, shame, fear, and intimidation.

God provided a way of escape where there seemed to be no way. My escape was in the Person of Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In the presence of God I learned that I am free to make choices. My "today" is a result of choices I made yesterday. Spiritual growth and emotional wholeness allowed me to assume responsibility for my choices.

You were born for such a time as this. Do you know who you are? Do you know why you were born? What is your mission in life? Do you know your strengths? It seems that most of us know our weaknesses. Are you able to glory in your weaknesses allowing the power of God to prevail?

Knowing the answers to these questions will give you direction and empower you to make wise decisions. As you assume responsibility for your decisions, you will reap the rewards.

Source: From Prayers that Avail Much for Women by Germaine Copeland
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers