Back in the early 1970s when I was just beginning to learn about prayer, the Holy Spirit said something to me that took me years to fully understand.

He said, "Lynne, at the end, Satan will try to make the United States of America a goat nation instead of a sheep nation. He will try to trip her up at the very end of her race. And if he succeeds, she will lose her reward."

I'll never forget how puzzled I was over those words. I knew so little about the Bible back then that I didn't even understand what the Lord meant when He talked about "the end."

I thought, "The end of what? The end of the year? The end of the sentence? What?"

I didn't know anything about sheep nations and goat nations. But I did know the Voice and the leading of the Spirit. And I knew He was giving me an assignment to pray for this nation.

Since then I've come to understand much more about what the Lord was saying to me. I've learned that at the end of this age or dispensation, judgment is coming and Matthew 25 tells us at that time God will gather the nations before Him.

Those who have blessed the nation of Israel will be rewarded. Jesus called those the sheep nations. The goat nations who have cursed and treated that nation badly will be punished.

In recent years, I've also seen outward signs that Satan is doing exactly what God said he would.

Historically, the United States government has supported the nation of Israel. We've been their ally and their friend. Yet just a few years ago, that began to change. American leaders began to pressure Israel to give up her land.

As a nation, we made friends with those who were sworn enemies of Israel and had actually covenanted to destroy her.

Clearly, the devil was making his move to deceive the leadership of our nation into siding with the goats!

Just Do It!
I'm telling you, when that happened a righteous fire began to blaze within me. I knew the origins of this nation. I knew it had been established by God to accomplish His will.

All of its original covenants and constitutions proclaimed the fact that it was formed by His hand, for His glory. This nation has a destiny. It's called by God to be a blessing not only to Israel, but also to all the nations of the earth.

And, bless the Lord, you and I can see to it that the United States of America fulfills that destiny!

By obeying the Word of the Lord recorded in 2 Chronicles 7:14.
If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.
That's amazing, isn't it? Right there, in the simplest way imaginable, the Bible tells us how to turn our nation from wickedness to righteousness. It tells us how we can propel our whole nation into the plan of God.

Someone might say, "Oh yes, Sister Lynne. I know that. I've known for years that prayer is the answer to the problems in our nation."

Good. I'm glad you know it. But knowing it doesn't accomplish anything. Doing it is what makes the difference!

Copyright © Mac Hammond Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.