God, I ask that You would give me favor with other people. Help them to see You inside of me. I don't want favor because they see what I do or my accomplishments, but because they see Your genuineness inside of me.

Jesus, just as You grew in favor with people, help me to also grow in that favor. Lord, help me to use this favor only to further Your kingdom, not for my own benefit. Everywhere that I go, I want people to see You. When people see You in my life, they will want to show me favor. Thank You for placing Your Spirit inside of me, so that others can see.

Thank You for Your love and peace in my life. I want nothing more than to honor You. Thank You that when I use Your name, You are working. Thank You that Your name turns heads. Thank You for the favor that You have given me with others. Help me to use that favor to honor and serve You. I give You all of the glory, Jesus.

Scripture References
Luke 2:52
Psalm 5:12
Proverbs 3:4

Source: Scriptural Prayers for the Praying Teen
Excerpt permission granted by White Stone Books