Father, we come to You in Jesus' name. We thank You for Jesus, the sacrificial Lamb, the atonement and redemption for the sins of all humanity.

In obedience to You, we observe the practice of holy communion. We examine our lives and ask You to forgive us for any sin or iniquity in our hearts. We thank You for the juice, which represents the blood You shed for the remission of sins. Lord, we know the blood represents a new covenant, a better covenant, a covenant of redemption and grace. Thank You for redeeming us and receiving us as Your own children.

We thank You for the bread, which represents Your body that was broken, bruised, and led to death as a sacrifice for us. You took stripes on Your body so we could receive healing. As we eat this bread, we thank You, Lord, for health and healing in our bodies. We thank You for strength and vitality. We thank You for restoration of wholeness-spirit, soul, and body.

We thank You, Lord, that Your resurrection power is working in our lives today. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Scripture References
Matthew 26:26-28
Hebrews 7:22
Isaiah 53:5

Source: Scriptural Prayers for the Praying Woman
Excerpt permission granted by White Stone Books