Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before You and ask for Your guidance and discernment as I look for the right church for my family and me. Make it clear to me where we are to worship and where we are to serve You. Lord, help me to not be moved by what other people say, by the church's location or convenience, or by the pastor's popularity.

Lord, I believe in my heart that You have a specific church that is part of Your plan for the spiritual growth of my family. Direct us to the church of Your choosing where we will worship, receive Your Word, and serve the people.

Help me to realize the importance of where we fellowship. Help us to find a home where we can be mentored in our spiritual growth. I recognize that there are different gifts and talents in different places. Lord, help me to know through Your Word and prayer the exact church that You have for us. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Source: Scriptural Prayers for the Praying Woman
Excerpt permission granted by White Stone Books