As parents and leaders, it is our responsibility to teach our young people the truth. For too long, we've watered down the Gospel, candy-coated it, and begged young people to come to church. We tantalize them with a soft version of the Gospel for fear of chasing them away.

From my experience in speaking to thousands of young people every weekend in America, I have found just the opposite to be true. The more we water down the Gospel, the less respect young people have for the Gospel.

Most kids don't mind us getting in their face with the truth of God's Word, as long as we don't talk down to them.

They need to hear what the Bible says about God's forgiveness, mercy, and grace, but they also need to know what Jesus expects of them as young men and women of God.

What would you think about the coach who said, "Come on guys, we just want to have fun. I don't want to work you too hard, and I don't want to make you sweat too much."

That coach would never win a game or gain the respect of his team. It's time for us to quit begging these kids to come to church, feeding them pizza to get them to listen, and then giving them baby food from God's Word - stuff that won't require anything from them or challenge them to change and strive for greatness in God.

Feeding kids their "spinach" is teaching them things that they may not want to hear, but it is what they need to live victoriously and achieve their dreams.

Source: Turning The Hearts Of The Fathers compiled by Ron Luce.
Excerpt permission granted by Albury Publishing