Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him…
(Luke 15:1, NKJV)
This verse has always challenged me. Sinners—heathen, non-Christians, unbelievers, godless peeps—were drawn to Jesus to hear Him! What was so winsome and comfortable about Jesus that ungodly people ran to His meetings? We know that Jesus never condoned sin, yet His aroma was so attractive sinners flocked to hear Him! People didn't run from Jesus, they ran to Him! I want to be like that.

How about you? Is that your desire? Are lost people drawn to you? Or, are they running in the opposite direction? Is the sweet aroma of Christ oozing out of you? Is there something inviting and comfortable about you? Do people want to listen to you? I find this to be the biggest challenge and most important goal in my life.

Jesus was so full of truth and grace—it was attractive. He wants us to be just like Him! With God's help we can continually be conformed to His image and we'll find sinners drawn to hear us. I am sure this is your desire, just as it is mine. So, let's make this our prayer today and trust the Lord to help us be attractive, winsome Christians that influence our world for Christ!

Say This:

Father, help me to be more like Jesus today! I choose to be a loving, attractive, winsome Christian that others are drawn to. Lord help the sweet aroma of Christ flow from my words and actions—especially toward those who are ready to know Jesus. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Copyright © Beth Jones Ministries
All rights reserved.