4 Things To Learn At School That No One Teaches

by Blaine Bartel | Articles, Christian Living

Make no mistake. Your teachers will give you important information that will prove valuable in the days to come: math, history, science, and trigonometry – okay, at least most of it will be valuable.

There are also some great things you can learn at school that your teachers will not actually show you. Here they are:

  1. Learn the art of discipline.
    Take advantage of your free time during or between classes to finish your assignments.
  2. Learn to negotiate.
    Develop your skills working with teachers, coaches, and fellow students to “give and take” in order to reach your goals.
  3. Learn to say no.
    Classmates will ask you to cheat, lie, gossip, lust, vandalize – you name it. Put no in your vocabulary.
  4. Learn to love without respect of persons.
    You will meet people every day who don’t appeal to you. Love them with Christ’s love in spite of your feelings.

    Source: Every Teenager’s Little Black Book of Hard to Find Information
    by Blaine Bartel.
    Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers
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Blaine is a modern-day Lazarus.

Jesus resurrected him out of 23 years of sexual addiction and the death of everything he held dear. Today he coaches men out of sexual brokenness and into the Jesus life.

Blaine and his wife Lori reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They love going on long walks from the kitchen to the living room and have a weakness for reality shows. Along with his speaking and coaching, Blaine is a writer and has recently shared his resurrection story in his latest book, "Death by a Thousand Lies."

For the inquiring mind, a complete history is below.