5 Questions Real Friends Should Ask Each Other

by Blaine Bartel | Uncategorized

A smart person is known by the good questions he or she asks. When Jesus was 12 years old, He was found in the temple asking questions of the teachers of the law.

Here are 5 questions that good friends should ask each other:

  1. How can I be a better friend to you?
  2. Are there any traits, attitudes, or actions you see in my life that hinder my success?
  3. What gifts and characteristics do you recognize as strengths in my life?
  4. How can I pray for you at this time in your life?
  5. What has God shown you in His Word lately?

    Source: Every Teenager’s Little Black Book of Hard to Find Information
    by Blaine Bartel.
    Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers
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Blaine is a modern-day Lazarus.

Jesus resurrected him out of 23 years of sexual addiction and the death of everything he held dear. Today he coaches men out of sexual brokenness and into the Jesus life.

Blaine and his wife Lori reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They love going on long walks from the kitchen to the living room and have a weakness for reality shows. Along with his speaking and coaching, Blaine is a writer and has recently shared his resurrection story in his latest book, "Death by a Thousand Lies."

For the inquiring mind, a complete history is below.

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