What Do You Say About Yourself?

by John Osteen | Uncategorized

I am going to say about myself what God says. I am healed. I am strong. I am prospering. Every need is met. Thank God, we are what God says we are.

I have a friend by the name of Bob Buess. He used to be so bashful that he wouldn’t even get up on the platform with me. Now he is as bold as a lion, and he has a real unique ministry.

Bob told me this story about a woman who wrote him a long letter. She wrote page after page of all the bad things about herself. “I am this…I am that…this is the way I am, and nobody likes me….” After she had finished berating herself she said, “Can you help me?”

Bob wrote back and said, “After reading your letter I don’t like you either! How could anybody like you when you told all of that?” He talked to her about her confession, and explained that because of it she had talked him into not liking her. Then he told her how to confess what God says.

Your mouth can get you into trouble or it can get you out of trouble. You should confess what God says about you.

I am the sum total of what I have been confessing through the years. My children are the best children that ever lived on the face of the earth. They are blessed of God. They are the sum total of what Dodie and I have confessed and loved them into being.

Confess the word of God instead of negative things. You may say, “How long do I have to confess it?” All of your life.

In every situation do these things: Agree with the Word of God. Believe the Word of God. Act like it is so, by your praise, by your plans, and by your participation. Confess the Word of God with your mouth.

As you act on these principles, you may not be without battles, BUT YOU WILL NEVER LOSE THE WAR.

These are simple steps in living a victorious Christian life. Begin today to apply these principles in every area of your life and as you do, you will experience God’s power and provision at work for you!

Source: The ABC’s of Faith by John Osteen
Excerpt permission granted by John Osteen Publications

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