One Nation, Under God
Anyone who has ever watched a 4th of July parade knows there is something special and unique about this summer holiday…and why we celebrate it.
July 2011
Whenever someone mentions the month of July, thoughts of warm-weather fun, outdoor activities, and summer vacations tend to flood my mind. But what I think about most are all of the wonderful July 4th holiday memories from years ago. And this past weekend was no different.
THE Annual Event
I grew up in Delano, a small town approximately 30 miles west of Minneapolis. Despite Delano’s relatively small population (2,400 when I was growing up), it continues to host one of the largest July 4th celebrations and parades throughout the state of Minnesota.
Each year as many as 30,000 people flock to this modest little city (which still utilizes a four-way stop in the middle of town) to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday, watch the two-hour parade, take the kiddies to the park for carnival rides, view the fireworks at night, and eat as many pronto pups as their stomachs will endure.
While growing up, I always looked forward to the Fourth of July because it was so fun! It also was a wonderful time to reflect on the blessings of our country (but more on that later). Another memory that comes to mind is how I always drove one of my father’s trucks in the parade. To watch the huge Delano parade is one thing, but to be in it is something else. This is a big Minnesota deal I’m talking about, don’t-cha-know!
As a teenager I always felt cool and somewhat important any time I was in the parade. I would wave to my friends, throw candy to the kids sitting along the curb, and basically try to impress as many girls as possible.
My dad was an old-time music lover, so anytime he had one of his trucks in the parade (to promote his trucking & excavating business), he would always pull a trailer with a polka band on it to entertain the crowd. I don’t know what was worse—driving a bumpy old dump truck at three miles per hour with no A/C, or listening to Frank Yankovic’s classic polka hit “She’s Too Fat For Me!” blasting in my ears for two straight hours.
Oh well, so much for impressing the ladies. It’s no wonder I had a hard time getting a date after that.
Beyond The Celebration
But beyond all of those fun festivities, I will never forget watching the color guard lead the parade each and every year…not only because my father was typically one of the men who marched shoulder-to-shoulder in the flag and rifle unit, but because it reminded everyone of what we were truly celebrating that day—an independent and free country.
My father served in the Navy and experienced quite a bit of ‘active duty’ during the Korean War, so he always was proud to march in the annual parade to honor his country. Like my father, there were many other men and women who marched and represented various groups: the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, POWs & MIAs, and the American Legion Auxiliary, to name a few.
Anyone watching the parade and seeing these groups of individuals knew there was something special and unique about why they were marching…and why the rest of us were celebrating.
I was proud to see my father and others faithfully march in order to show their devotion and patriotism to our country. They were always a good example to everyone else about how we should never take our beautiful country—and the freedoms it provides—for granted.
Sometimes I wonder what was going through the minds of our Founding Fathers during the birth of our country—especially when they signed the Declaration of Independence which sealed our separation from Great Britain. I am simply thankful for the divine providence which helped bring it all to pass.
I encourage you to not let your celebrations and memories of Independence Day come and go on July 4. The freedoms and liberties we Americans have been granted and blessed with are worth celebrating every day of the year…not simply during the 24 hours of parades, fun, and fireworks we typically enjoy on Independence Day.
Living in these wonderful United States—which make up one nation, under God—is something that I will forever be thankful for.
These are the things I think about, remember, and celebrate during the month of July (and beyond) each and every year…and I trust you do as well 🙂
cfaith Content
Anyone who has visited the cfaith website over the past few weeks has already taken advantage of some of our Independence Day content. But in case you missed it, here are just a few articles from our ever-expanding library of online resources to help you extend your Fourth of July holiday celebrations:
Keep The Freedom Torch Burning
By David Barton
The American Flag
By Mac Hammond
Remember Our Heritage
By Kenneth W. Hagin
You’ll find these and other powerful teachings for you and your family at Be sure to visit cfaith every day to take advantage of the extensive supply of faith-building articles, devotionals, audio teachings, and video messages available 24/7 on the cfaith website.
Over the past four weeks, more than 128,000 people from around the world visited cfaith—praise God! The only reason we are able to bless and minister to so many individuals is because of your faithful participation and generous support.
We love receiving emails and messages from people (especially in other countries) who tell us how important cfaith has become to their faith and spiritual growth. People love the fact that—with the click of a mouse—they can easily and safely scan more than 15,000 ministry articles and media messages.
Few individuals around the world enjoy the spiritual freedoms we have in America. As a result, many have told us that because of religious persecution or governmental restrictions, Internet-based ministries such as cfaith are the only spiritual resources at their disposal.
Thank you for helping us carry the life-changing message of faith to lost souls everywhere. Together we are making a difference as we help others declare their own spiritual “independence day” from the devil as they turn their hearts toward Jesus!
I trust you will continue to recognize and celebrate our country’s Independence all year long! We pray and thank God for you regularly.
Until next time,
Jeffrey Litfin
ministry operations leader