The more we give thanks with sincerity, the more we realize just how much God has already done…which gives us hope that He will do even more.
There is power in being thankful to God. This month, we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US. Homes around the country will say a prayer and thank God for His blessings. But, to me, expressing gratitude to God is something we should do every single day—and not just over the food. As leaders, it’s important that we not only say “thank you” to God every day, but that we teach others how powerful it really is to give thanks to God.
There is something about those two words, “Thank you.” When given with sincerity, nearly everyone responds favorably. God is interested in hearing us express ourselves to Him. If you look throughout the Word, you will be astonished at how often we are led to be thankful.
In Colossians 3:17, the Word says, “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.” Isn’t that a wonderful Scripture? Think about it. Whatsoever you say or do, do it in the name of Jesus and give thanks to God. Now, that’s a big statement! God is obviously serious about thanksgiving.
Do you want to know why God wants us to give thanks? Because giving thanks to God is one of the keys to releasing His supernatural power in our life. A grateful heart is a humble heart, one that recognizes that everything God says to us and does for us is a wonderful gift…even the breath in our bodies is on loan from Him!
The will of God is what every Christian should seek and live for. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, the Word says, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Do you want God to release His supernatural power in you spiritually, physically, and financially? Do a simple exercise and start giving more thanks-start living a life that expresses more gratitude to God and teach others to do the same. Start small. Be sincere. And just watch what God will do! There is something about a grateful heart that opens doors.
Now, sometimes it is hard to be thankful. I don’t know about you, but I like it a whole lot better when everything is going well. It makes for a good day. But I’ve decided that it doesn’t matter what the day is like, I’m going to give thanks to God for His Word, for His power working in my life, and for all that He is and does. Whatever the day, He made it and I’m going to find some joy in it, starting first thing in the morning.
I believe so much in being grateful to God that I find myself constantly reminding myself to say “thank you” to God for everything-especially to those Partners and friends who care about this ministry so much and who lift us up to God in Prayer. That brings me to another point. As a leader, you should always show gratitude to those who support the vision God has given you. Never, ever take God or people for granted! Be thankful for people willing to stand alongside you and get the message out…and don’t just think it, say it. If God wants to hear it regularly, I believe they do too!
Expressing your gratitude can make a big difference in your life. You see, by saying “thank you” to God so much, you are continually reminding both yourself and the devil of God’s rank-He’s at the top and there is none who compare with Him. So, those problems trying to destroy your life suddenly hit a wall of power.
Gratitude is exactly the opposite of what Satan would want you to do. He wants you to complain and blame God. He is the accuser of the brethren and he will accuse God, too. Remember the Garden of Eden? When you don’t do what he wants and thank God instead—not for the attack, but for His power to help you overcome anything—that attitude changes your outlook and reinforces our faith.
All of a sudden, you look at a challenge as an opportunity to achieve something. Then, your faith releases God’s power in your life. Suddenly, you are accomplishing what you never thought you could accomplish, and what seemed impossible suddenly starts coming to pass. This is a revelation. It’s manifestation time.
As I often say, a revelation without a manifestation is a missed opportunity. I’m not going to miss my opportunity and I don’t believe that you will either. Are you facing a challenge right now? Start thanking God for what He said in His Word. Instead of focusing on the challenge, see it as an opportunity to achieve something—to obtain the promises of God in that area. Turn that challenge into an opportunity for God to show up and show out! Teach this to others. There is nothing you can’t do with God on your side…but you’re going to have to give Him thanks!
I was in prayer many years ago when the Lord said, “Jesse, don’t put your faith on something possible. You can get that dome with good, old hard work.” The Lord said, “Put your faith on something impossible. Go ahead, Jesse, give Me a job.” I almost jumped out of my skin.
You see, God wants to show Himself strong to your and to me. He wants to spur us to believe we can do anything. But first He needs to get us to believe He can do anything! A spirit of gratitude reminds us of Who God is. It puts everything in perspective very quickly.
The more we give thanks with sincerity, the more we realize just how much God has already done…which gives us hope that He will do even more. He’s a big God capable of big things. You are His kid and His Spirit is flowing through you. That means you are capable of doing big things, but you must stay humble enough to continually give Him thanks.
There is power in a grateful heart. It’s about recognizing God’s amazing power to do “exceeding abundantly about all that we ask or think… ” (Eph. 3:20). We’re believing God and thanking Him in advance for what He said He would do. Glory!
Always remember to say thanks to God, not just during the holidays but every day—in everything you do and everything you say, give thanks. Recognize Who is in charge and give Him props! There is power in it.
Copyright © Jesse Duplantis Ministries
All rights reserved.
Jesse Duplantis, minister of the Gospel, motivational speaker, television personality, and best-selling author, has been in full-time ministry since 1976 and is the founder of Jesse Duplantis Ministries, located in the Greater New Orleans area of south Louisiana in the United States of America. With over four decades of sharing his unique blend of humor and faith around the world, generations of believers have been inspired by his messages and countless numbers have come to know Jesus Christ as Savior through his ministry.
Known for his unflinching, status-quo-breaking messages and humorous take on experiences in the life of the believer, Jesse continues to draw large audiences of believers through social media, television, and meetings held around the world. With speaking engagements booked years in advance, Jesse Duplantis continues to keep an intense traveling schedule, flying throughout the United States and the world preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With no booking agents pursuing meetings for him and no set fees imposed upon churches for speaking engagements, Jesse chooses his outreach meetings based on the same two criteria he always has: invitations that come in and prayer over each one. This uncommon way of scheduling in today’s world means Jesse’s many followers may find him speaking in some of the largest churches and venues in America and the world, as well as a great many small and growing congregations, too. No church is too big or small for the Holy Spirit, as he says.
Side by side with his wife Cathy Duplantis, the co-founder and chief of staff of Jesse Duplantis Ministries and the senior pastor of Covenant Church in Destrehan, Louisiana, Jesse continues to fulfill his life’s calling by daily taking up the Great Commission of Jesus Christ: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Through social media, television broadcasts, books, and other ministry products, as well as through many evangelistic meetings, the JDM website, the JDM app, and Voice of the Covenant magazine, Jesse Duplantis continues to see growth in his ministry and expand each year while maintaining his roots. Jesus is the center of his life. The salvation of lost people and the growth of believers is the purpose of his ministry. And for both he and his wife, every day is another day to “Reach People and Change Lives, One Soul at a Time.”