In order to change your image from defeated to victorious, you must begin to see the image in which God created you. He has an image outlined for you that can be found throughout His Word.
Disney once released a movie about a young girl who discovered that she had been born into royalty. She didn’t know about her heritage until she turned sixteen. Up to that point she had lived her young life far from the surroundings of a royal lifestyle.
Although she was loved by her parents and had the opportunity to attend a prestigious private high school, she grew up with a poor self-image and had few friends. Because of her low self-esteem, she did not excel in sports or academics.
Regardless of the economic status you are born into – wealthy, poor, middle class or royalty – you will never rise above your self-image. The image you have of yourself will cause you to either succeed or fail in life. You can, however, change that image by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You then step outside of your earthly heritage and become a part of the royal family of God.
As such, you become a joint-heir with Jesus (Rom. 8:17) and are made the righteousness of God (Rom. 5:17). In essence, all of the promises of God become yours.
Unfortunately, some Christians can’t shake off their long-held images of defeat, rejection or disappointment because they don’t know the promises that God has for them. As a result, they are devoured by the devil. Instead of walking with their heads held high and using the authority they have in Christ, they succumb to doubt and fear, all the while being dominated by sickness and lack.
God’s Point of View
In order to change your image from defeated to victorious, you must begin to see the image in which God created you. When God spoke the words, “Let there be light…,” He already knew what He desired to see. He also has an image outlined for you that can be found throughout His Word.
God commanded man in Genesis 1:26 to have dominion in this world. Later in Genesis 12:2-3, He made covenant with Abraham and His descendants. When you become a born-again Christian, you are grafted into Abraham’s family (Gal. 3:14-16, 29). God promises that Abraham’s descendants would be so blessed that all the people of the earth would be blessed through them.
God’s image of you does not stop there. He has plans for your life – plans to prosper you and give you hope and a promising future (Jer. 29:11). As His child, you can overcome sickness and disease (Isa. 53:4-5, Ps. 103:2-4). He has also given you angels to protect you (Ps. 91:11).
Even though the economy may look uncertain, you can walk in peace and security knowing that God will take care of you and your family (2 Tim. 1:7, Phil. 4:6-7, Rom. 8:6). These are only a few of the promises that God has for you. His image of you is to walk in all of His promises. It’s up to you, however, to search the Scriptures to find out everything that’s yours.
A Wrong Point of View
Many Christians don’t see themselves the way that God sees them. This sometimes happens because of their upbringing. As a result of what people have said to them, God’s image of them never manifests in their lives.
Others are dominated by feelings of insecurity and inadequacy throughout their lives. This was the case in my own life. For a long time I dealt with fear and timidity. My insecurities hindered me from receiving the security God promises in His Word.
My husband, Creflo, teaches that understanding your righteousness delivers you from feelings of condemnation and guilt to the point that you no longer have insecurity. I began to pray, “Lord, does that mean every area? Or is it just spiritual insecurities and inferiorities?”
I found out that I could overcome any insecurity by meditating on the righteousness I now have in Christ. You see, we are supposed to overcome fear and not be overcome by it. The more I studied the Word, the more it was reflected in my thoughts and actions. The Word became my guide for life.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Taffi Dollar is a celebrated author, teacher, and well-known conference speaker. Together with her husband, Creflo Dollar, she pastors more than 30,000 active members at World Changers Church International, World Changers Church-New York, as well as a host of fellowship churches throughout the U.S. and internationally.
She is the founder of the WCCI Women's Ministry and Prestige Ministry, both geared toward assisting and inspiring women. Through these ministries, she eloquently brings light to women's everyday struggles and gives heartfelt, life-improving advice.
Voted one of Atlanta's most influential women by the Atlanta Business League, her influence expands beyond ministry into music. She serves as the CEO of Arrow Records, a cutting-edge Christian recording label, and has been a guest panelist at numerous music festivals and workshops.
Taffi and her husband have five children and reside in Atlanta.