Choose the People You Confide in Carefully

by Marcia Malzahn | Devotions for Working Women

Proverbs 25:19 (NLT)

Putting confidence in an unreliable person is like chewing with a toothache or walking on a broken foot.

We all have somebody in our lives that we feel comfortable sharing our deepest problems and personal issues with. The question is: is the person we are confiding in reliable? Is he or she going to keep the confidence and confidentiality of what we shared? We must be careful in choosing who we share our personal issues with. This includes our successes. Sometimes the very person we trust turns on us suddenly because of envy. The Bible says putting confidence in an unreliable person is painful because of the damage they can do to us.

Information is powerful. It gives power to the people we choose to share our information with. Information can destroy a person’s life and a company. There are people who seem trustworthy on the surface but then turn around and betray your confidence. They first make you feel comfortable by sharing a few personal things

with you to make you open up to them. Then they use the information you give them to taint your name and your reputation.

Ask God to give you wisdom and discernment to choose the right individuals in whom you can confide. Then don’t forget to pay attention to His response. We all need people we can talk to and share concerns with, but we must be careful when choosing that person. At the same time, don’t share somebody else’s secrets and issues that they have confided in you. You are then gossiping and sowing that seed, which you will indeed reap later.

Finally, don’t forget you always have Jesus as your best friend. You can talk to Him out loud. He will listen and will always respond to you. He will give you peace in your heart, discernment, and guidance on how to deal with every situation. In Him, you can fully trust and pour your heart out without fear or reservation.

Source: Devotions for Working Women by Marcia Malzahn.
Excerpt permission granted by Marcia Malzahn.

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