“But that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave Me commandment, so do I. Arise, let us go from here” (John 14:31 NKJ).
Jesus is our role model. The word Christian means “a diminutive Christ.” It implies a person who thinks, acts, talks, serves, and speaks like Jesus. This verse shows us four outstanding qualities which Jesus exhibited that can be strong motivation for us:
1. SACRIFICIAL LIFE: The very next day after this discourse, Jesus died on the cross. His words at that time all point to the fact that He came into the world for this one purpose – to give His life as a sacrifice for us so our sins could be forgiven. The Righteous One gave Himself for the unrighteous. The Just died for the unjust.
2. LOVE: Jesus’ death on the cross was motivated by love for mankind. In the crucifixion, God’s love for man was demonstrated to the whole world.
3. OBEDIENCE: Jesus’ earthly life was lived in perfect obedience to the divine will of the Father. The will of God dominated and determined His whole existence.
4. COURAGE: Jesus did all this with an unshaken courage: “Arise, let us go from here” is an expression of great bravery in the face of imminent death.
In 1825, Adam Clarke, a great commentator, stated: “All our actions should be formed on this example and plan. We should have the love of God and man for our principle and motive; God’s glory for our end; His will for our rule. He who lives and acts thus shall live forever.”
This verse reveals a sacrificial nature, a motivating love, an obedient will, and an unflinching courage. May it describe us as well as it does our Lord.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers