A Key to 47 Years of Marriage

by Ken Blount | Articles, Relationships

weddingdaycoupleI want to encourage you about your marriage today, especially those of you who might be having some marriage issues.

Let me just be honest. Nobody has a perfect marriage. It takes work, and giving on both sides, if you are going to be successful.

Trudi and I have been married 47 years. You would think we would have this marriage thing down by now. We teach on it all the time. But we have challenges in communication sometimes. We don’t always see eye to eye. The key to 47 years of marriage? We talk things out. We deal with our issues. We don’t allow things to fester.

If you are going to make it, you have to be sensitive and open to learn what your spouse is thinking and feeling about certain things.

And there will also be attacks from the enemy. The devil is invisible, but he is real. He loves to divide couples and try to make us believe that our spouse is our problem. He wants to get us in the blame game.

When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden that day, they tried to hide from God. Of course, God knew where they were and approached Adam to say, “Did you eat from the tree?” Adam’s response was a classic excuse, “It was the woman that you gave me.” He blamed his wife for his trouble, and then in the height of arrogance, he blamed God!

My point is this: We all face challenges in this thing called life, but your spouse is not the real problem. And your problem is certainly not God. Don’t allow the devil to pit you against each other when the pressure comes. And it will come.

Be sincere and open about your feelings with each other. If something is bothering you about your spouse, tell them. If you mess up, tell your spouse that you’re sorry. Keep the communication lines open. Divorce happens because communication stopped somewhere – with each other and with God.

If you are at fault, ask God and your spouse to forgive you. Deal with issues when they come up, and don’t allow walls to be built between you. Keep talking – to each other and to God. Resist the lies of accusation the devil tries to sell you, and he will have to leave.

Copyright © Ken Blount Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Ken and Trudi's lives were dramatically transformed in 1971, when Trudi met Jesus Christ and was healed from an incurable eye problem. Her eyes had been crossed and her vision was seriously impaired from an accident she experienced at age 4. As she was prayed for and instantly healed, Trudi was able to throw away her glasses and contact lenses and she received perfect 20/20 vision. This miracle greatly impacted Ken, and he received Christ and was delivered from alcoholism.

Their adventure in ministry began as Ken worked with Willie George on The Gospel Bill Show during the 80's and 90’s. Ken played the character, "Nicodemus" on the program. He acted, wrote and directed episodes, and wrote and performed the music for the show. Ken was one of the first artists to film Christian music videos at that time, and his songs became wildly popular. He was a part of over 200 episodes that were broadcast worldwide, reaching millions of kids with the gospel. These episodes live on in rerun broadcasts today.

During the 90's Ken and Trudi were music directors at Church on the Move in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a church plant that grew to over 8,000 people in weekly attendance while they were there.

In 2002 the Lord directed Ken and Trudi to begin their own ministry with an emphasis on family relationships. Since that time they have traveled extensively to churches around the world preaching, teaching, and training Christians about how to connect in their marriages and raise their children to become champions for Christ.

The Blounts have produced a multitude of resources and teachings, including their monthly CD partner resource, Relative, all of which are available for purchase and download on their website and new smart phone app.

Although family, marriage, and parenting is their ministry focus, Ken hasn't left his original roots and mandate to teach children the Word of God and how to worship Jesus.

With his rich history as a singer and songwriter, Ken is now partnering with his son, Joshua, in their music project for kids called, Love Out Loud (LOL). The vision is to produce relevant, fun music for kids that teaches them to sing and worship Jesus "out loud." Available on CD and DVD, the music has a two-fold application. While being great for home use, the DVDs are also designed to use in a children's classroom for church services. LOL is an ongoing music franchise producing new music that is a tremendous resource for churches around the globe.

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