A New Creation

by Billy Joe Daugherty | Uncategorized

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
(2 Cor. 5:17)

You are a brand-new species. You have received a new nature since you came to Jesus Christ. God’s life—His eternal life—is now in you. Your spirit has been recreated to be like God.

To be in Christ means that you are born again. The new birth happens by faith—it is a gift from God. You cannot earn it or merit it. Salvation is God’s free gift. The moment you confess Christ and believe on Him, you become brand new. You begin as a new baby in the kingdom of God. You are a new child in the family of God.

Everything in your life is new. Begin to believe it and say it aloud: My entire life is new in Jesus. All things means “all things.” Everything is new. Accept this miracle. Your attitudes, desires, goals, thoughts, and concepts are new because of the life of God that now dwells in you.

All of the old junk that was associated with your old life has passed away. Its power and rule over your life have ended. Fear, addiction, hate, lust, envy, depression, and confusion all are part of the world system. The moment you become a new creation, these things no longer have a right to be a part of you.

Declare your liberty; accept the freedom that Jesus has given you. It is through faith in your heart and confession of your mouth that causes God’s wonderful blessings to be apparent in your life.

Just because you do not see all the old things leave immediately, there is no reason to quit confessing 2 Corinthians 5:17. Faith is taking God at His Word and acting on it as truth.


I am a new creation. All of the old things of my unsaved life have passed away. All things have now become new in me. I am a new person and God’s life dwells in me. I am made a new creation in the image of God.

Source: 101 Days of Absolute Victory by Billy Joe Daugherty
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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Billy Joe Daugherty was founder and pastor of Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was also the founder of Victory Christian School, Victory Bible Institute and Victory World Missions Training Center. Five hundred twenty-three Victory Bible Institutes have been started in eighty-five countries around the world. He inspired individuals and ministries with his life, love and influence for more than 30 years.

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