Father’s Day is celebrated to show appreciation and honor to fathers. It is time set aside to salute and express our adoration for every man who has poured his love into the lives of his children, thus positively affecting their lives forever. As a father, I personally salute each and every father and take this opportunity to highlight and commend you for all you do.
Fathers, thank you for loving your children and validating their sense of identity through unconditional love and support. Your love demonstrates their value and worth. Your kind words, encouragement, discipline, and correction, help to build their character and self-esteem, and instills in them a sense of protection and safety.
Further, I appreciate you for loving your children with your presence first and then with the things you provide. Your presence communicates that you’re not only interested in providing good things for your children but also expressing the enjoyment you get from having them in your life. Children, young or old, feel important when you alter your busy schedule to make them a priority in your life.
Real fathers understand the physical and emotional needs of their children. A father’s open affection toward his sons lets them know it’s acceptable to openly express their love for each other. As a result, sons develop into the men God has called them to be. Additionally, what they learn from you (good or bad) will be with them throughout their lives.
When a father tells his daughter how beautiful she is, it nourishes her soul. It says to her that she is revered as someone quite special! The father/daughter relationship sets the course for relationships she will encounter throughout her life.
In my own life, I greatly appreciate my father and the impact he made in my life. Although, my father wasn’t perfect, everything he taught me still influences me today. For instance, he taught me by example that a man does whatever he has to do, especially when it comes to providing for his wife and children. He also taught me the importance of a father taking on the role of overseer and protector of the family. I am forever grateful for the lessons my father imparted into my life.
God has a specific role for fathers to play in the lives of their children. Fathers are the expression of God’s fatherly love. Therefore, as we celebrate this Father’s Day, I encourage you to continue to fulfill one of life’s greatest assignments—to father and raise children in godliness. This is the responsibility God has placed on fathers. While Father’s Day might be the designated day to celebrate you, God daily celebrates all the positive things you do in the lives of your children.
Fathers, I honor you. Happy Father’s Day!
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Creflo Dollar is the founder and senior pastor of World Changers Church International (WCCI). He is a highly sought-after speaker ministering the Gospel at conferences worldwide. His works, in the form of books, CDs, and DVDs are available in many countries around the world. Known for his prolific insights and charismatic style, he helps thousands improve their lives by teaching the Gospel of Grace that empowers change in their day-to-day experiences.