A Snapshot of Healing

by Billy Joe Daugherty | Healing

…I will hasten my word to perform it.
(Jeremiah 1:12 KJV)

God will honor your faith—what you are believing and speaking. As you find promises in God’s Word for what you need, pray these promises and expect miracles.

Stay “promise-focused” by meditating on God’s Word. God will do what He said in His Word. God sent His Word to accomplish His will and to bring His ways and His thoughts to the earth.

When our daughter Ruthie was a student at Oral Roberts University, she woke up one morning and one side of her face was paralyzed. She couldn’t move it, and she couldn’t speak plainly. We believe in doctors, medicine, hospitals, nurses, vitamins, and exercise—anything that contributes to healing and wholeness. We also believe in faith, miracles, prayer, and healing from God. We prayed with Ruthie and stood on the promises of God’s Word, but we also sought medical help. Ruthie was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy. There was nothing the doctor’s could do and no medicine to treat the condition.

At that time, Ruthie was our children’s pastor. That week she was scheduled to teach on healing. She didn’t back out. With severe symptoms still in her body that affected her appearance and speech, she taught on healing as strong as anyone possibly could. Later that week, her face straightened out.

I asked her, “How did your healing manifest?”

She said, “I stood on Hebrews 11:1: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. My faith took a picture of healing before it was fully developed in my body!”

In the inner room of your heart, you can place faith images by believing the promises of God’s Word. Ruthie’s faith spoke the Word that she believed in her heart. Begin putting faith images in your heart by feeding on the promises of God’s Word.


The image of the Healer and His healing virtue, based on 1 Peter 2:24, is in my heart. I have victory in the area of healing because of the stripes Jesus bore on His back for my healing.

Source: 101 Days of Absolute Victory by Billy Joe Daugherty
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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Billy Joe Daugherty was founder and pastor of Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was also the founder of Victory Christian School, Victory Bible Institute and Victory World Missions Training Center. Five hundred twenty-three Victory Bible Institutes have been started in eighty-five countries around the world. He inspired individuals and ministries with his life, love and influence for more than 30 years.

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