It is so simple: The life of God comes back into the part that is afflicted; immediately the blood flows; the closed, congested cells respond; the work is done! That is God’s divine science. Oh, beloved, when you pray, something is happening in you! It is not a myth; it is the action of God.
Having formal acknowledgement as a student of science, it was my privilege to attend clinics, which I frequently did.
At one time I submitted myself to a series of experiments. It was not sufficient to know God healed; I had to know how God healed.
I visited one of the great experimental institutions and submitted myself to a series of experiments.
First, an instrument was attached to my head. This instrument had an indicator that would register the vibrations of the brain.
I began to repeat things like the 23rd Psalm to soothe the mind and reduce its vibrations to the lowest point. Then I repeated the 31st Psalm, the 35th chapter of Isaiah, the 91st Psalm, and Paul’s address before Agrippa.
After this, I went into secular literature and recited Tennyson’s “Charge of the Light Brigade” and finally Poe’s “The Raven” as I prayed in my heart that at the psychological moment, God would anoint my soul in the Holy Spirit.
My difficulty was that while reciting, I could not keep the Spirit from coming upon me. When I finished with “The Raven,” those in charge of the experiment said, “You are a phenomenon. You have a wider mental range than any human being we have ever seen.”
In reality, this was not so. It was because the Spirit of God kept coming upon me to such a degree that I could feel the moving of the Spirit within me.
I prayed in my heart, “Lord God, if You will only let the Spirit of God come like the lightnings of God upon my soul for two seconds, I know something is going to happen that these men have never seen before.”
As I recited the last lines of the poem, suddenly the Spirit of God struck me with a burst of praise and tongues. The indicator on the instrument bounded to its limit – and I haven’t the least idea how much further it would have gone if it had been possible.
The professors said, “We have never seen anything like it!”
I replied, “Gentlemen, it is the Holy Ghost.”
In the second experiment, a powerful X-ray machine with microscopic attachments was connected to my head. The purpose was to see, if possible, what the action of the brain cells were.
I proceeded just as in the former experiment. First, I repeated Scriptures that were soothing – those calculated to reduce the action of the cortex cells to their lowest possible register. Then I went to Scriptures which conveyed better and richer things until I reached the first chapter of John. As I began to recite this, the fires of God began to burn in my heart.
Suddenly, the Spirit of God came upon me as before, and the man who was behind me touched me. It was a signal to keep that poise of soul until one after another could look through the instrument.
Finally, when I let go, the Spirit subsided. The professors said, “Why, man, we cannot understand this, but the cortex cells expanded amazingly.”
I said to them, “Gentlemen, I want you to see one more thing. Go down in your hospital and bring back a man who has inflammation in the bone. Take your instrument and attach it to his leg. Leave enough space to get my hand on his leg. You can attach it to both sides.”
When the instrument was ready, I put my hand on the man’s shin and prayed no strange prayer, but the cry of my heart to God.
I said, “God, kill this devilish disease by Your power. Let the Spirit move in him; let it live in him.”
Then I asked, “Gentlemen, what is taking place?”
They replied, “Every cell is responding.”
It is so simple: The life of God comes back into the part that is afflicted; immediately the blood flows; the closed, congested cells respond; the work is done!
That is God’s divine science.
Oh, beloved, when you pray, something is happening in you! It is not a myth; it is the action of God.
The Almighty God, by the Spirit, comes into your soul, takes possession of your brain and manifests Himself in the cortex cells of your brain. The fire of God – the power of God, that life of God, that nature of God – is transmitted from the cortex cells of your brain, your blood, your flesh, and your bone – into every square inch of your skin, until you are alive with God!
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers
Born in 1870 in Ontario, Canada, John G. Lake fought hard to survive a sorrowful childhood and make a material success of his life. Then, at the age of 37 he gave up all he had-some report he gave up millions-to seek God's divine purpose in his life. Within a year, Lake and his family ventured to Africa, bringing a storm of God's supernatural healing power. After five years, he left the African ministry he began, leaving a heritage of more than 1,000 preachers, 100,000 converts and countless miracles. He then returned to the state of Washington with a stronger faith in Christ and mightier anointing of God's healing power.
Shortly thereafter, Lake's Divine Healing Institute made Spokane, Washington-as documented by the United States Government- "...the healthiest city in the world...." He went on to establish 40 churches in the United States and Canada.
Lake's spiritual legacy influenced many healing evangelists of his time. His life and words continue to be a guide to many Christian leaders today.