All Dressed Up and Somewhere To Go

by Cathy Duplantis | Articles, Prayer

After His resurrection, Jesus told the disciples about an adventure that they were about to begin. They were about to be dressed in readiness by the Holy Spirit.

Luke 24:49 says, “Behold I am sending forth the promise, stay until you are clothed with power from on high.” Everywhere they went, the Holy Spirit clothed them with the power of God to witness, heal the sick, deliver the oppressed and overcome the world.

Dressed for Adventure!
A few years ago, my daughter, Jodi, and I traveled together to a ladies conference in which I was invited to speak. From the beginning of the trip, we knew we had embarked on a great adventure. Jodi booked our flights and made it clear to the ticket agent that we wanted to go from New Orleans, Louisiana to Carlsbad, New Mexico.

However, when we arrived at the airport and tried to check our bags, the porter said, “Lady you have a problem. Your final destination is Carlsbad, California, not Carlsbad, New Mexico.” We had never heard of Carlsbad, California! By mistake, the airline agent issued us tickets to California instead of New Mexico.

We prayed in the Spirit as we quickly made our way to the ticket counter to change our ticket, hoping we could make connections in time for the service that night. We refused to allow the devil to stop us and prayed for a miracle as we told the ticket agent the situation.

We praised God as she told us that the flight we needed to catch was leaving in five minutes and radioed ahead to the gate and told them we were on our way.

As we ran to the gate, we thanked God for divine intervention and protection. Although we didn’t expect more adventures, things really got interesting at our next connection in Dallas, Texas. As we approached the gate, we noticed that no one was around. We stared at the locked door in disbelief and screamed “No! We can’t miss this flight!”

Immediately we began to bang on the door, praying for someone to hear us. The agent at the next counter yelled sarcastically, “Ladies, it doesn’t do any good to bang on the door. You missed the flight.”

Jodi and I refused to listen to her and continued banging away and praying for the favor of God. Suddenly, the agent for our flight unlocked the door and we told him our situation. He told us to wait there while he checked to see if the plane had pulled away. But we couldn’t just wait there, we were on his heels running down the jet way to the plane and praying in the Spirit the entire time. What an adventure!

The door to the plane was shut and the jet way had pulled away a few feet to allow the plane to back away from the gate. Making eye contact with the pilot, Jodi saw a reassuring nod and knew we had been granted favor once again. The agent quickly re-attached the jet way to the airplane and the stewardess opened the door so that we could board the plane.

There was no way anyone could have wiped the smiles off of our faces once we stepped onto that plane. We had made it! It is awesome to see God change impossible situations to fulfill His plan for our lives.

Ready Anytime for Anything
It is vitally important that we do whatever is necessary to stay dressed in readiness. Be aware of those things that rob you of time with God in prayer and in His Word. When you spend time with Him, you are never caught off guard. You become sensitive to hear and obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit. You become alert and ready at every moment to resist the devil.

The Word says, “Be alert, sober, put on the breastplate of faith and love” (1 Thes. 5:6-8). “Gird up your minds for action, keep sober in spirit” (1 Peter 1:13-15).

“Be of sober spirit, be on the alert (vigilant) for your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8-9).

Living in Readiness Changes Your Priorities
During the period of time after the resurrection of Jesus and before His ascension, Jesus made many unannounced appearances to His disciples.

They never knew when Jesus would appear in a crowded room or on a lonely road and vanish almost as suddenly as He came. I can imagine the anticipation each time they were together, ready and waiting for His return.

You and I are called by God to be dressed in readiness. I used to say, “We are on the threshold of the greatest revival this world has ever seen.” I was looking forward to that time of great revival with anticipation but always spoke about it as off in the future somewhere, someday.

But several years ago, the Lord told me that we are no longer on the threshold of revival, we have stepped into the arena. In an instant, I saw myself in a huge arena filled with a great cloud of witnesses shouting praises to God. Those who have gone before us rejoiced to see the day of the great outpouring of God’s Spirit over all the earth.

In order to participate in the great revival that is sweeping the earth, we must get into position to be used by God. He is looking for people who are dressed in readiness. So, put on your red dress, Mama. We have somewhere to go!

Copyright © Jesse Duplantis Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Reverend Cathy Duplantis is an anointed teacher of the Gospel dedicated to living by faith and inspiring others to do the same. Cathy is the wife of Evangelist Jesse Duplantis. She has worked continually with her husband in ministry since it began in 1978, serving as Administrator, Editor in Chief of Voice of the Covenant magazine, and television co-host.

Cathy uses her life experiences and divine revelations to encourage and inspire her audience and is a favorite guest speaker for women's conferences and church meetings. She also continues to preach the Gospel with Jesse in meetings throughout the USA.

Along with her husband, Cathy is the co-founder of Covenant Church, a local outreach of JDM in the greater New Orleans area. It was her vision to build a church where people would be encouraged to realize their potential in Christ Jesus, to be able to overcome life's circumstances and to experience success spiritually, emotionally, and physically. In the summer of 2017, Cathy obeyed God and stepped into the Senior Pastor position of Covenant Church. Now, not only is she sharing the Gospel through her local church, but she is continuing to spread the love of Jesus around the world. Cathy desires to show believers everywhere how they can be transformed into powerful and joyful people of faith by applying the teachings found in God's Word.