So here’s a quick thought, are you a fanatic?
My father was in a conversation one day with someone who had called another Christian a fanatic. In response he made a statement that I have never forgot. He said, “You have to be careful what you say, often a fanatic is just someone who loves Jesus more than you”.
Ever since that day I have thought that to be called a fanatic for Christ was a compliment and something to strive for. I believe that we are living in a day when the church needs those who will out of a great passion and love for Christ spend their lives on the Kingdom of God.
With Christ as our standard and the apostles and others in scripture as examples it seems that a consecrated, dedicated, passionate life laid down for God is the only fitting response to God’s great love for us. The early church had many martyrs who gave their lives for the message and I would guess that in their day they were called fanatics. The question perhaps is are we willing to live our lives for the message of the Kingdom even if we are considered fanatics?
If it means that I am known for a love of Christ and His Kingdom that goes above normal, count me in. It would be an honor.
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