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Al Jandl is known as a pastor's pastor and a visionary leader for the 21st century. From humble beginnings as a store manager for a major grocery chain, Al Jandl has become a nationally known pastor, conference speaker, and leader.

In 1975, Reverend Jandl founded Living Stones Church in Alvin, Texas. Today, Living Stones is one of America's outstanding churches known for its spirit of excellence and life-changing message of stability and personal growth.

Under his leadership, the Living Stones family of ministries has acquired 280 acres in the city of Alvin and has developed a significant outreach to the greater Alvin area with a roster of community service projects and corporate clients.

Besides Living Stones Church, these ministries also include Living Stones Christian School (a fully accredited K-12 school), Precious Stones Day Care, and the state-of-the-art Victory Camp�an outstanding resource for reaching people with the Gospel, especially young people, and consisting of impeccable lodging, meeting, cafeteria and entertainment facilities.

Al's life is an example of a man who simply called out to God for help, and then watched as God made that moment a turning point in his life. Reverend Jandl has authored numerous books.

Seeing Afar Off

Seeing Afar Off

"But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off" (2 Peter 1:9). When the domed sanctuary of Living Stones, my church, was just finished in the mid 1980s, it seemed like a time to settle in and expect many years of growth and prosperity....

God Has Storehouses

God Has Storehouses

"He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap; He lays up the deep in storehouses" (Ps. 33:7 NASB). In the early 1980s, I went out to lunch with a pastor friend. If you have ever been to Texas, you know that we are famous for our barbeque restaurants. The...

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