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Al Johnson responded to the call of God in his life in 1994 when he and his wife moved to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma to attend Rhema Bible Training Center. Rhema is a school founded by the late Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin and is designed to prepare its students for full-time ministry. In 1996 Al graduated from Rhema with a concentrated study in Pastoral Ministry and immediately returned to his hometown of Fredericksburg, Virginia to help fulfill the call placed on Rev. Hagin: "Go and teach my people faith."

Al has served as an itinerant minister, associate pastor, and is now the founding president of Step of Faith Ministries and pastor of Community of Faith Church in Locust Grove, Virginia (a suburb of Fredericksburg). Al Johnson has a tremendous desire to see the word of God manifested in the lives of people; so many are in need of a touch from God. He ministers the Word of God with boldness and clarity that will challenge and bless your life. Brother Johnson operates in an anointing that is powerfully unique and often marked by healings and other powerful demonstration of the Holy Spirit. Al Johnson is married to his lovely wife, Jacqueline, and is the father of three sons: Dillon, Garret, and Walker. Al and Jackie are also very proud grandparents of 3 ... so far!

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