Author Archive for Arthur Meintjes

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Arthur is a Bible teacher and conference speaker and has traveled the world teaching the Good News (Gospel of Peace) and faith-righteousness, the message of God's unconditional love, goodness and mercy to restore mankind. He is also an adjunct lecturer at Charis Bible College in Colorado Springs, Colorado where he teaches first and second year classes for both the day and night school. He teaches third year classes on invitation.

He is a frequent guest speaker at several other CBC campuses in the USA and the United Kingdom. Arthur has also written a book titled Knowing and Experiencing God and co-authored a book with his wife Cathy titled Grace and Faith Thoughts.

He has a lively, passionate and heartfelt teaching style that has touched many hearts and He finds tremendous fulfillment in seeing lives changed and future leaders encouraged to share the gospel of grace and peace in their world.

He and Cathy have three children and currently reside in Colorado, USA.

The Goodness of God

The Goodness of God

God has always been after personal relationship with man. That’s why we were created. When God began dealing with man, it wasn’t enough for Him to just become “Abraham’s God.” God desired that each generation would know Him for themselves. He had to become “the God...

Rest Assured

Rest Assured

For much of my Christian life, I struggled to see God for who He really is.I thought of Him as my “Master.” That made me believe and feel like He only put up with me, but He didn’t really like me; He only tolerated me because of the fact that I had received Jesus....

Fully Persuaded

Fully Persuaded

We are all in different stages of our journey and growth in the revelation of righteousness. We may mentally assent to the fact that Jesus’ death and resurrection put us in right standing with God, but we all are learning to continually walk out that reality in our...

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