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If Rahab Could….We Can!
In the account of Rahab the harlot, God gave us an amazing revelation of the power in the blood to protect. I sit this evening in Israel, not far south of Jericho. Out my window I see the mountains of Moab changing colors in the light of the setting sun. They lie...
Witness the Rains
God's call upon my life involved being a witness. I am to go about the earth and watch what He is doing and tell others. It amazes me how He makes it possible for me to do so.In 1991 He impressed upon my spirit that I should spend the winter of 1991 and 1992 in...
Jesus is Coming Soon!
Wake up in the morning and say, "Praise the Lord Oh, I'm so glad for this new day! Thank you, Father, for Your great plan of redemption! Thank You for the Blood of Jesus! I place the token of the Blood between me and mine and all the power of the enemy." One day,...
Heaven Declares the Glory of God
"The heavens declare the glory of God..." (Ps. 19:1). The first Christmas, when Jesus, the Anointed One, was born, this is exactly what the heavens were doing: And the angel said unto them, Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which...
The True Tale of Two Cities
Many Bible prophecy watchers know from events in Israel that "the battle for Jerusalem" has begun. But do you know the battle is really for two Jerusalems?A few years ago, I first walked into one of the oldest synagogues in Jerusalem. There on the wall was a...
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