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Col Stringer is the son of a professional hunter, born in the rugged desert country of Australia. During his life in the Northern Territory Col was awarded the Mariner Fishing Writer of the Year award (Australia) (1979), won a Swedish Gold Medal for a world record shark capture, and was featured in two outdoor documentary films for Australian and American television. Col also successfully hosted his own outdoor and fishing television program for four years and has written 10 books on fishing, hunting and wildlife. His book about a true story of a giant rogue crocodile has become a best seller. His business ‘Fishing and Outdoor World’ was hugely successful, leading to improvement in wildlife safari and wildlife photography.

Col and Jan Stringer pastored in Darwin before being invited to the USA (1979) travelling and speaking. He then pastored a church in California, returning to Australia in 1982. They took over a struggling church that blossomed into the largest church in the state of the Northern Territory. The church, under the Stringer’s leadership, hosted such internationally known ministries as Kenneth Copeland, Dr Jerry Savelle, singer Cliff Richards. Several struggling business people have become multi-millionaires using principles gained from the Stringer’s Bible teachings on goals, dreams, overcoming against the odds etc.

The Worst of Times?

The Worst of Times?

I genuinely believe that with these enormous challenges come unprecedented opportunities to witness the power of God moving in our lives. The opening line of novel The Tale of Two Cities reads, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...." Charles...

Eagle Song: Song of Love

Eagle Song: Song of Love

Many of us can’t be preachers, teachers or evangelists, but one of the most powerful ways we can be a witness to our Lord Jesus Christ is through our marriages. Eagle CourtshipIt thrilled me to find eagles have beautiful 'marriage' relationships — the female being...

Show Kindness This Season

Show Kindness This Season

With Christmas just past, what fills our thoughts? With tough times like the world is in now, it would be wonderful if our thoughts turned to the Lord and genuine thoughts of love and kindness towards our fellow man. Kindness is at the very heart of God. Proverbs...

How Are You Living…

How Are You Living…

"We went through the fire and water, but then You bought us out and refreshed us." (Ps. 66:12). We have just experienced the worst financial disaster since the Great Depression, add to that the increase in natural disasters, the global warming scenario and one can...

This Storm Shall Pass

This Storm Shall Pass

One of the greatest truths I have seen in scripture is the simple phrase, "...and it came to pass." What comforting words for those of us who are at present experiencing one of the greatest storms of life—financial, swine flue, terrorists, job loss or family...

I love Australia! Part 2

I love Australia! Part 2

What Does The Future Hold? The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been about 200 years. Most of these nations progressed through the following stages until their demise. Will this be Australia’s future also? From Bondage to Spiritual Faith. From...

I love Australia! Part 1

I love Australia! Part 1

I love Australia—my homeland, my nation! To me it is the greatest land in the world. On my way to church recently I thought to myself how blessed we are to live in a land where no one had to go through a metal detector or be frisked for guns, knives or bombs when...

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