Author Archive for Danny Gutierrez

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Danny & Stephanie have served Latin America since 2011, serving in Peru for over 10 years on the pastoral staff and executive team of Camino de Vida, a vibrant church in the capital city of Lima.

Now based in Minnesota, they continue to serve pastors and their congregations throughout Latin America through consulting, resourcing, and retreats. Together they lead Footrock, a 501c3 with the purpose of creating spaces and opportunities for Latin American pastors and missionaries to find rest and meaningful relational connections.

They also speak at marriage conferences, events, and retreats in both North and South America, and in Asia (Jan 2024). Stephanie is also the host of the Modern Day Missions podcast for missionaries.

The ‘X-Factor’

The ‘X-Factor’

Good communication is the most important skill to master in your marriage relationship. It is the X-Factor - the one variable that will make or break our efforts. Without good communication, our efforts in conflict resolution, in our finances, or in the bedroom,...

How to Fight Right

How to Fight Right

What do you see when you picture the word conflict? A boxing match? A time bomb ready to explode? Religious tradition has taught us that conflict is a dirty word and that couples who get into conflict must not be "spiritual enough." This is NOT true! Conflict is a...

Teamwork in Goal Setting

Teamwork in Goal Setting

It never fails, as one year ends and another is about to begin, whether we read a book, watch TV, or listen to the radio, we are flooded with messages about setting goals for the New Year. So, what does the Bible say about goal setting? First, the Bible establishes...

Encouraging Words

Encouraging Words

Everyone knows that encouraging words produce good results in marriage. Our sincere compliments help fuel our physical and emotional closeness. Yet many times we ignore the profound impact encouraging words have on the spiritual dimension of our relationships. The...

Fulfillment in Marriage

Fulfillment in Marriage

The idea of fulfillment in marriage may be too large and subjective to adequately cover in a few paragraphs. However, we may be able to uncover the root of this fulfillment. Fulfillment, at its most basic level, is a satisfaction of our needs and desires. As...

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