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Dwight Thompson has become one of the most powerful evangelists of our time. Known worldwide for his legendary ability to captivate and move an audience, he has devoted his ministry to touching the lives of all those who are lost and hurting with a message of hope, found through salvation and deliverance in Jesus Christ.

The elements that make his message unforgettable include humor, compassion, deeply rooted Biblical convictions, and unique ways of illustrating the meaning of Scriptural phrases, parables, and promises.

Dwight has traveled around the world as an evangelist, preaching to millions and leading thousands of lost souls to Jesus Christ. His crusades frequently launch long-lasting revivals. With his ability to communicate the Gospel with power and charisma, he touches countless lives.

Dwight and Zonelle have been married for 51 years and have two children, seven grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Zonelle travels nation-wide with Dwight, and she is the founder of Operation STITCHES (Saving The Inner-city Through Christ’s Hope: Eternal Salvation), an outreach to inner-city children and their families.

God has given both Dwight and Zonelle a divine love for souls. He has created within the two of them an obsession for helping people transform their very existence.

Dwight and Zonelle know the worth of just one soul and are committed to continue being obedient to the calling God placed on them over 49 years ago.

Truly, Dwight Thompson is a man with a call on his life and a commitment in his heart to reach lost souls for Jesus Christ.

Facing our Fears

Facing our Fears

The winters of Montana are brutal. Certain breeds of cattle do not survive these winter storms. But one breed of cattle was introduced to the bitter blizzards and they survived. Further examination discovered a unique difference in this breed. While the other...

Nothing Good Enough

Nothing Good Enough

When someone says to you, "I'm doing the best that I can," you let them know that there is nothing they can do that is good enough to be saved. They must come to Jesus Christ. I ran across someone the other day who said, "Well, I'm not going to be saved because...



Probably you have tried to change before and you were disappointed. That was REFORMATION; but now you have been changed. This is TRANSFORMATION. The Bible distinguishes between changing and being changed. "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may...

Stand Against the Enemy

Stand Against the Enemy

To mark your loved ones for God" is to declare openly and boldly to Satan: "Devil, you can't have my children. I stand on Acts 16:31. I stand on Acts 2:39. So get out of my house, you filthy, pathetic, defeated liar! God wants my family saved!" Stand in your house...

The Light of the World

The Light of the World

Satan has gained a great advantage by getting you to doubt who you are in Christ. "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12). In Genesis 1:16-17, we read of the greater and lesser...



A peaceful man has peace with God, man, and himself. "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trust in you" (Isa. 26:3). The source of peace is God, not myself. It never is my peace but always His, and if once He withdraws, it is not...

The Power of Peace

The Power of Peace

I love this powerful, reassuring Scripture: Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything. Then because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with a peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and...

The Status Quo

The Status Quo

I don't know about you, but I am tired of the same old "status quo" rut. I am tired of being chained in man's religion. I want to see a move of God that will shake me to my foundation and set me free from the opinions of man...and of religion. I am a man who has a...

Choosing Your Weapons

Choosing Your Weapons

If you are going to war, you had better be familiar with your weapons and you had better know that they will work. When David went out to meet Goliath, Saul tried to give his armor to David. David responded to Saul in a unique and powerful manner. He said, "I...

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