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Dwight Thompson has become one of the most powerful evangelists of our time. Known worldwide for his legendary ability to captivate and move an audience, he has devoted his ministry to touching the lives of all those who are lost and hurting with a message of hope, found through salvation and deliverance in Jesus Christ.

The elements that make his message unforgettable include humor, compassion, deeply rooted Biblical convictions, and unique ways of illustrating the meaning of Scriptural phrases, parables, and promises.

Dwight has traveled around the world as an evangelist, preaching to millions and leading thousands of lost souls to Jesus Christ. His crusades frequently launch long-lasting revivals. With his ability to communicate the Gospel with power and charisma, he touches countless lives.

Dwight and Zonelle have been married for 51 years and have two children, seven grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Zonelle travels nation-wide with Dwight, and she is the founder of Operation STITCHES (Saving The Inner-city Through Christ’s Hope: Eternal Salvation), an outreach to inner-city children and their families.

God has given both Dwight and Zonelle a divine love for souls. He has created within the two of them an obsession for helping people transform their very existence.

Dwight and Zonelle know the worth of just one soul and are committed to continue being obedient to the calling God placed on them over 49 years ago.

Truly, Dwight Thompson is a man with a call on his life and a commitment in his heart to reach lost souls for Jesus Christ.

Enforcing the Victory

Enforcing the Victory

I want to encourage you to enlist in the army of I want to encourage you to put on the "Warrior Spirit." I also want to encourage you to put on the armor of God...everyday. We are not defeated; we are winners. Let us enforce the victory of the cross in...

Accept His Forgiveness

Accept His Forgiveness

I want you to accept God's forgiveness. Accept it; receive Jesus in your heart right now, and accept the Lord's forgiveness. You see, forgiveness is not complete unless you accept it. Most likely, the first thing that will happen to you after you accept the Lord...

What Does the Fire Do?

What Does the Fire Do?

When the fire falls, it consumes everything that is unholy, earthly, or temporal. The fire of God purifies, purges, melts, and devours, for "our God is a consuming fire" (Heb. 12:29). God is like a refiner's fire that brings impurities to the surface, and exposes...

Love Not the World

Love Not the World

In Christ, you not only have a new life, and new friends and a new family, but you now have new enemies that will oppose you. The enemy is threefold - the world, the flesh, and the devil. When you really love God, you stop loving this evil world and all that it...

Part of the Body

Part of the Body

You have been born from above. Men can produce human life, but the Holy Spirit gives the new life from heaven. "Just as you can hear the wind but cannot tell where it comes from our where it will go next, so it is with the Spirit. We do not know on whom He will...

Satisfied in God

Satisfied in God

What did Jesus mean when He said, "but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life" (John 4:14 NIV)? To be lasting, our satisfaction must come from this source....

The Fire of God

The Fire of God

By and large, the Church today is not lacking in activity, fervor, or attempts to obtain spiritual power. To the contrary, our church calendars are bulging with services, retreats, conferences, and programs. We are making lots of noise. We are busy, earnest, and...

Mastering Discouragement

Mastering Discouragement

Our Lord Jesus has promised that He will so fill the heart of Christians that they will no longer be ruled by discouragement and dissatisfaction. He promised, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never...

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