Author Archive for George Stover, Jr.
The Victor’s Crown

The Victor’s Crown

The Victor's Crown is the will of God for each and every human being on the planet. However, the will of God will not mandate the will of man. There are rules to every game and disciplines to every endeavor of man. Whether you are engaged in competitive sports or...

The Gift . . .

The Gift . . .

Christmas and it's gift of the New Year is here already. I can scarcely believe it. The year went so fast.Time, as we know it, is moving by so very quickly. God is doing "His act, His strange act." The world is racing toward it's end time fulfillment. All is...

Give Thanks!

Give Thanks!

Thanksgiving and praise are an act of the will. You choose. You have a choice. The Lamb of the Cross gave you the right to choice. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. (Ps. 95:2) Hallelujah! There is no...

Find One!

Find One!

Jesus was very purposeful in everything He said and did. There was nothing done by happenstance. No action was taken; no word was spoken, without there being careful thought given it first. A look at the book of Mark will give the casual reader a sense of...



Who will roll the stone? they questioned, Early on that Easter day; When the women reached the garden, Lo! The stone was rolled away. Angel hands had been before them, Wasted was their anxious dread; They, who thought to touch the body, Found a risen Lord instead....

I Hunger…I Thirst

I Hunger…I Thirst

I Hunger... Nothing has caught my attention quite like the thought of experiencing a true revival (or awakening) that sweeps the city, nation, and the world. There burns in my heart a yearning for a revival such as was experienced during the various Great...

What Is In The House?

What Is In The House?

Second Kings, chapter four holds a particularly intriguing story of a minister's wife who had lost her husband and enlisted the aid of his mentor to help her out of a difficult situation. For whatever reason, her husband had not made any provision for her or his...

Open Heavens

Open Heavens

"The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand; and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow" (Deut. 28:12). This year began under an Open Heaven...

Learning The Voice

Learning The Voice

How does one learn to recognize the voice of God in the midst of all the other voices and messages that vie for our attention and obedience? We read in Scripture that we are to be lead by the Spirit of God. This leading is one of the ways we know that we are the...

From Faith to Faith

From Faith to Faith

Faith must be exercised to develop in much of the same way as our physical muscles and our minds must be exercised to develop into a place of acuity and strength. Just as increased weight or resistance builds the muscles of our body and mental activity, demanding...

Joy Cometh!

Joy Cometh!

One of the great promises in Scripture is that joy cometh! What this means to the Child of God is that joy came, is coming, and will always come. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever (Heb. 13:8 KJV). In Him there is always the promise of...

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