Replenish Your Joy
Nearly 2,000 years ago, Angels announcing the Glorious Event declared, "Glory to God in the Highest, Peace on Earth. For unto you is born a Savior."Until this event, man had been no match for Satan's cunning deception. Even with a perfect God-given law, the...
The Stage is Set
Never before in church history have "End Time" prophesies been fulfilled as they are at this present time. We have witnessed more than half a century of prophetic fulfillment and the process continues daily. Every facet of world affairs is now a fulfillment of...
The Events Of The Rapture
Although the word "rapture" does not appear in our Bible translations, it is perfectly usable. Rapture simply summarizes all the biblical phrases identified with this event; such as: "Received unto the Lord..." (John 14:3); "Caught up to meet the Lord in the...
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