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The Brokenness of Heart
In the book of Jeremiah 23:29 it says: "My heart within me is broken because of the prophets: all my bones shake; I am like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine hath overcome, because of the Lord, and also because of the words of His holiness." Jeremiah was...
Keys to Unlocking Your Healing
There are several keys to unlocking (or receiving) your healing, and I'd like to take this opportunity to discuss a few of them with you. If my people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked...
Revival in The Land
Revival Is All Around We are living in a very exciting time for the Church and the world. We are living in the last days, the days Haggai the prophet wrote about: For thus saith the Lord of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and...
Experiencing Revival in Your Life
For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the...
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