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Pastors Jerry & Darlene Burlie has been in the ministry for over 40 years. They pioneered Triumphant Faith Center in Wichita, KS and held their first service in a storefront on December 2, 1979. Today, Jerry & Darlene are senior pastors of TFC, fulfilling the heavenly assignment that God has placed on this ministry.

Jerry was raised on a farm in northern Oklahoma. After enlisting and serving his country, he moved to Wichita where he worked at Cessna for 10 years. At the age of 34, he was born again and knew he was called to more than just sitting on a pew. After being laid off from Cessna, he traveled with some ministers up to Bad Axe, MI for a campmeeting where he first met Darlene. Two years later in 1977, they both attended Rhema Bible Training Center. After graduating, Jerry brought the message of faith back to Wichita and taught weekly at a church for over a year. It was in 1979 when Jerry and Darlene got married. A couple months later, they started holding Monday night prayer in their house and on December 2, 1979, Triumphant Faith Center held its first service.

In 1982, Kenneth Copeland Ministries contacted Pastor Jerry and Darlene to oversee the service in Wichita, 1 of the 220 cities worldwide, during the World Communion Service. In 1984, Pastor Jerry became an area representative for Faith Christian Fellowship International (FCF) in Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Iowa. A few years later in 1989, he became a district representative for Rhema Ministerial Association International (RMAI) in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Iowa.

As stated in I Corinthians 12:7-11 there are different gifts given to men by the Holy Spirit. Verse nine lists “gifts of healing” as one of the Holy Spirit’s manifestations. Pastor Darlene has a special anointing to pray for people with arthritis. Many people have been completely healed of arthritis and its symptoms after having hands laid on them. Pastor Jerry Burlie has a special healing endowment from the Lord especially in the area of bones.

Through the years, Pastors Jerry & Darlene have formed life-long relationships with some of the most respected men and women of God. They are faithful to the work God has placed on their hearts and will continue teaching and preaching faith.

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