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To read more faith-building articles, simply click on the Articles tab at the top of the page and then click on whichever category you are interested in.
Here One Minute, Gone The Next There are two women in my life whom I love beyond my ability to describe—my mother and my daughter. One is nearing the end of her life, and the other is moving out to begin living hers. And here I am, stuck in the middle with swirling...
Racing Toward Your Dream God has placed special gifts, talents, and specific dreams inside each one of us; things He knows not only will define who we are, but also help us reach our full potential in life. As we look ahead to the future, let's lay hold of those...
"Happy New Year!" That greeting will be said and heard for at least the first couple of weeks, as a new year gets under way. But the day celebrated as New Year's Day in modern America was not always January 1. Ancient New YearsThe celebration of the New Year is the...
Sharing The Vision Looking for a way to make a difference in the lives of others? For the next 30 days, you have an opportunity to help keep the ministry resources of cfaith freely available to those in need by participating in our SHAREcfaith 2013 pledge...
The Best is Yet to Come Don't look now, but cfaith just celebrated its 12th Birthday (?? happy birthday to us...!! ??) Even though cfaith has accomplished much, God has some new and exciting plans for this ministry. Stay tuned! In case you didn’t know, cfaith...
Passing The Baton Whether my father realized it or not, he imparted many positive and biblical characteristics into my life. Now that I have children of my own, it’s my turn to do the same for them. AUGUST 2012My father was a hard-working, decent, and honorable...
Abiding In The Vine This Easter season, I encourage you to set aside daily distractions and find time to "abide in Him" because only then will you discover the joy and peace that is waiting for you within that empty tomb. April 2012 This month, Christians around...
A Look Back...A Look Forward All of us at cfaith are using this time of the year to look back on the previous 12 months to reflect on what was accomplished and most importantly, where we are going from here. January 2012 I trust that your Christmas season was a...
The Season Of Giving Does reaching out and meeting the needs of others have to end once the ball drops and the New Year begins? I hope not. December 2011 Thanksgiving has just finished, and as I bask in the glow of warm family relations and lingering turkey...
A Change Of Scenery There are several ways to experience God along with His presence in your life. One of the best ways for me is to slip on my backpack and hit the hiking trail. How about you? November 2011 It was only a few days ago that I was surrounded by...
Weary No More We all go through seasons of life...and as difficult as some may be, we can't quit too soon. Otherwise, we will never experience the rewards that are waiting for us at the end. September 2011 I am blessed by the opportunity to share some thoughts with...
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