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As a Certified Estate Planner, Jeff works side by side with our attorney partners to provide each client with professional and comprehensive solutions. As our face to the client, Jeff utilizes his 30 years of public speaking, corporate communications, and business management experience to make the estate project process seamless. Jeff conducts GLS estate planning workshops and takes the lead role in client engagement. Clients appreciate Jeff's ability to take complex legal topics and explain them in an easy-to-understand manner. No one helps families and individuals navigate the Bermuda Triangle of estate planning (legal, finance, and tax) better than Jeff. In addition to his CEP certification, Jeff holds a Bachelor of Science in Communications from North Central University and a Minnesota Life, Accident, and Health Insurance license.

For Pastors

For Pastors

Thank you Father, that you have given me pastors and teachers according to Your heart,with tremendous knowledge and understanding, to guide me in the affairs of this life. (Jer. 3:15)

Ephesians 1:16-20

Ephesians 1:16-20

I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you might grow in your knowledge of God, I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the...

Time Management

Time Management

Lord, the responsibilities and demands of my life seem overwhelming at times. Many days I feel as if my life is running me instead of me running it. Please help me in the selection and management of the right priorities for my life. Help me to not procrastinate but...

To Walk As Jesus

To Walk As Jesus

I believe with all of my heart that Jesus is in the Father and that the Father is in Jesus. All of the mighty miracles and deeds of power Jesus performed on this earth were done through the Father. It was the Father's power within Him that did all of the works....

Into Your Presence

Into Your Presence

I know the way into your presence, Father. It is through Jesus alone. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. There is no way for me to reach the Father, but through Him. In Jesus, I have a perfect revelation of You, Father. Through Him, I both see and know your...

In Him

In Him

Father, I acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God; therefore, You live in me and I in You. I both know and rely on the love You have for me. You are love. As I live in You, I live in love, and You live in me. 1 John 4:15-18 Father, I believe that Jesus is the...

Living By The Word

Living By The Word

Father, help me to continue in what I have learned and become fully convinced of, for I have taken the time to know the Holy Scriptures for myself and they have made me wise for salvation through Jesus Christ my Lord. Your Word on my lips is God-breathed and...

The Word

The Word

Heavenly Father, as rain and snow fall from heaven to water the earth and make it bring forth seed for the sower and bread for theater, so it is with Your Word. You have sent it to me for a purpose and it will accomplish that purpose in my life. It is continually...

God’s Promise is True

God’s Promise is True

Dear Father, my life is not sustained by bread, or the food I eat in the natural realm, but it is fortified, nourished, and empowered with every Word (precept and promise) that You have given me. (Luke 4:4) I consider Your promise to be true in my life no matter...



Thank you, Father for enabling me to be a wise and faithful administrator in the household of God. When Jesus returns, He will find me doing those things that He taught, commanded, and set an example to do. I am carrying on His work in this earth, I supply the...

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