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Secret Agent Man

Secret Agent Man

Have you ever had a song go through your mind over and over like a broken record? There was a song recorded years ago called "Secret Agent Man." And for no reason I could think of, this song played over and over in my head today, until I realized that God was...

Walking the Ledge

Walking the Ledge

Picture yourself walking a narrow path upon the side of a mountain. You can see the path is treacherous and winding ahead, and below is certain death if you fall. How would you choose your steps? Would you carelessly just stroll along the path with no concern? Very...

How To Live Forever

How To Live Forever

Then Jesus said unto His disciples, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if...

What If?

What If?

All of us have pondered the question, "What if...?" It may be something as simple as, "What if I turn left at this intersection instead of right?" "What if I take the day off work today; will the world stop if I don't go in?" Or, maybe it's a little more serious....

Why Be Thankful?

Why Be Thankful?

Another year has sneaked by us and its Thanksgiving season again here in the United States. So it would only be fitting to dedicate this article to giving thanks unto God for all the blessings He has given us this year.Though sometimes we look at our circumstances...

Offense Insurance

Offense Insurance

What would it be worth to you to be able to go through the rest of your life and never be offended or offend someone again? Oh, you could wear a clothespin on your nose and wear a surgical mask so as not to ever smell anyone's bad breath (or have them smell yours),...

Fear Not, Believe Only!

Fear Not, Believe Only!

From the concerns I hear from people we minister to, many wonder if it is indeed God's will to heal in these days and times. Let me help you.Acts 10:38 leaves no doubt about God's will concerning our healing. How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost...

Faith Is The Substance

Faith Is The Substance

So many times we try to "help" God meet our needs. When people need healing, they often run to the doctor to get healed. Now, I'm not against doctors, but if God is really who He says He is, and if He really does what the Bible says He does, then Psalm 103:2-3 has...

In God We Trust

In God We Trust

All around us there is bad news these days. Wars, rumors of wars, tornados, floods, earthquakes, fires, all types of disasters either have already taken place or are about to. I'm telling you, if all this isn't the fulfillment of prophecy pointing to end times, I...

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