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Thy Kingdome Come 3 | Transformation
Cfaith Audio · Thy Kingdom Come 3 |...
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What does God say is your eternal calling and purpose? All of us have the same eternal calling and purpose. There is only one eternal calling which can transcend all dispensational lines, individual gifts, talents and abilities, and that is to rule and reign with...
Wisdom Words
Some people think that faith and reason are incompatible. They believe you must check your intellect at the church house door. They're wrong. The truth of God's Word will stand up to the most rigorous scrutiny. You don't have to lay aside your questions to begin a...
Happiness on the Job
Would your work habits change significantly if your employer were Almighty God, the creator of the universe? Having God for a boss may strike you as being a strange concept. But according to the Bible, that's precisely how we are to approach our jobs. In the book...
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