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How To Overcome Mental Temptation
What did Jesus do with the thoughts that bombarded His mind? He resisted them with the Word of God.What do we do about mental temptation? What does the Bible say about overcoming mental temptation? In Hebrews 4, the Bible says that Jesus was tempted in all points,...
Start The Year With An Invasion Of The Glory Of God
What must we do to prepare for this glorious invasion? First, we must understand what the glory of God is. In this New Year, it is God's desire to invade our homes, our children, and our church with His glory. He wants His manifested presence to take over our...
God’s Plan for You
When you do what God has predestined for you to do, you walk the path that He has prepared, living the good life that He intended for you to live! God knows every fiber of your being. He formed you, knit you together, and put a spirit in you. Before you took your...
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