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What Is in the Book for Your Life?
How do you find out what is written about you in this book in Heaven? It's simple: prayer. It is vital for you to go to God, spend time with Him in prayer, in reading His Word, and in worship.When you get in His presence, He can begin to show you His divine...
Steps To A Good Marriage—Part One
Marriage is a supernatural union that God considered vital to put in His Word. When a man finds his wife, he obtains favor from God. Proverbs 18 says: Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.(Prov. 18:22) Marriage is designed to...
Steps To A Good Marriage— Part Two
Joined TogetherThe Bible tells married couples to leave the former life of living with the parents, and be joined together. Jesus said in Matthew 19: And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts...
How To Develop Holiness
Developing holiness begins with the fear of the Lord. To fear God means that you don't want to do anything to displease Him. It means you care more about how God feels than how man feels.If you don't want to displease Him, you'll desire to walk in integrity in...
What Christ Has Restored Unto Us
Christ came to the earth with many purposes. Among them, He came to the earth to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8), to give us abundant life (John 10:10), and to restore God's glory back to His children (Ps. 4:1-3). As believers, it is important that we...
Know His Calling in Your Life
Although not all of us are called to ministry, every person has a God-ordained purpose in life. You need to know your calling. When God reveals your calling to you, it changes everything. When you know your calling, it gives you purpose. When you have purpose, it...
Addressing Mental Temptation
Mental temptation is what keeps most people in bondage and depression. It occurs when thoughts come to your mind that are contrary to the Word of God, like thoughts of revenge, bitterness, or evil.The enemy would like to bring wrong thoughts to you constantly. If...
Turning Up The Spiritual Temperature
God desires a personal relationship with each of us. We should never be satisfied and stop growing in our relationship with Him. We should always be looking to turn up the spiritual temperature in our lives by going deeper with God.Let's find out what an Old...
God Leads Your Spirit
You are a spirit being who has a soul and who lives in a body. John 4:24 says, "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." God is also a Spirit, so it makes sense that He's going to talk to your spirit.I've had many people tell me,...
Your Words Are Vital to Your Future
The words you speak will determine the course of your future. You can choose to speak words full of doubt, or you can choose to speak words full of faith.Proverbs 18:21 tells us about our words: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it...
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