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Pat is the daughter of Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, pioneer and founder of the word of faith. She and her late husband Buddy Harrison worked for Kenneth Hagin for several years.

In 1978, by the direction of the Holy Spirit, Buddy and Pat co-founded Faith Christian fellowship International, a global family of churches and leaders who are committed to a spirit-filled life of faith. This was after having founded Harrison House Publishers and having owned and operated multiple corporations. Today, through FCF, there are thousands of ministers, churches and ministries, and outreaches around the world.

Pat is known for prophetic ministry to the awakening body of Christ in these last days with an emphasis on the love of God and living every day by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Abide In The Peace Of God

Abide In The Peace Of God

On the cross, Jesus suffered every mental attack you could ever face. He bore all that and suffered for you because He loves you so much. He made it possible for you to have a tranquil heart and mind in every circumstance. [Jesus said], My [own] peace I now give...

Established In The Word

Established In The Word

Genesis 2:7 tells us God formed man. In the original Hebrew, one definition of being formed is "squeezed together." That is why man, many times, appears rugged. But in verse 22, where we are told about God creating woman, the Hebrew means "skillfully and carefully...

Keep Your Husband First

Keep Your Husband First

Don't put your children above your husband. Many couples get divorced later in life because the wife was so busy with her children, making sure they got everything they wanted, that she and her husband became almost strangers. God didn't make you for your children....

A Mother by Blessing

A Mother by Blessing

From infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. (2 Timothy 3:15) You are a woman by birth and a wife by choice, but you are a mother by blessing. As your children's parent, it is your...

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