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Rick Warren is the founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. Beginning with just his wife, Kay, in 1980, the congregation now averages 22,000 attendees at its 5 weekend services.

Rick is also the author of six books, including "The Purpose Driven Life," which has sold 25 million copies and is the best-selling hardback book in American history, according to Publisher's Weekly. Over 400,000 ministers and priests from over 160 countries have been trained worldwide through the Purpose Driven Network of churches. Rick is also the founder of, a global internet community for those in ministry.

A Lifestyle of Worship

A Lifestyle of Worship

Worship is not a part of your life, it is your life. It's not just for church services. The Bible tells us to "worship him continually."You were planned for God's pleasure. The moment you were born into the world, God was there as an unseen witness, smiling at your...

How Do You Handle Failure?

How Do You Handle Failure?

No one's life is an unbroken chain of victories. We all experience setbacks…defeats…losses…failures. Nobody bats 1000 percent. We all make mistakes. Since failure is common to all of us, one of the most important life-skills you can learn is how to respond to it....

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