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At a young age, Shelli Brim began to sense a calling on her life, and later the mandate would come to teach others how to experience the glory of God in their daily lives, their families, and churches.

Through the ministry of exhortation and the gift of song that has been entrusted to her, Shelli has been able to inspire men and women, young and old alike to draw nearer to the Lord in their daily pursuits. In her teachings, she relates the importance of maintaining an atmosphere of peace in the home —even in the midst of a whirlwind—and cultivation of a healthy, blissful, and God-centered marriage.

Shelli encourages people to enter into heartfelt worship and it is in her heart to bring the love of God to the people of every nation and to show His children how they may truly experience "days of heaven upon this earth."

Shelli is the daughter of Dr. Billye Brim, who is the founder of Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks. Together, they repeatedly minister in Israel and Europe on Bible prophecy. Shelli, a dynamic, anointed minister and graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center is also a psalmist who ministers with the joy of the Lord.

Shelli's testimony includes being raised from a deathbed, facing severe financial crisis, and adjusting to a new life after the death of her husband.

As a mother of two wonderful grown children, Kylie and Cody Oaks, who are also in the ministry, Shelli has taught others how to truly have heaven in their home.

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