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The Truth Will Set You Free
Stand on God's Word. Know in your heart that it is the truth, and know that anything to the contrary is a lie from the devil.Don't let the devil spread lies about your life! Hey! The devil is a liar. We all know that. So, if the devil is a liar and Jesus is the...
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
Have you ever heard this one? "Well, if God is this great big loving God, why doesn't He just get rid of disease. Why doesn't He just make a perfect world?" We've got to gravitate to the expertise of God's Word! There is experience, but then there is expertise....
Pressing In
New and great victories are on the horizon for you. With every victory comes a battle, so I encourage you to remember the past victories that God has given you! Make memory your servant, commanding it to go back through your diary and bring back every page...
Belief vs. Truth
In a world of too many so-called truths, teens are becoming confused with the Truth. Jesus said in Mark 4:24, "Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of trust, thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge]...
Are They Or Aren’t They Doing It?
One of the most common excuses for teens having sex before marriage is the argument that "everyone" is doing it! And for years that truth became the devils war cry for teenage promiscuity. That "war cry" has been the main reason for so many teens indulging in...
The P.O.G.
It is so important that you find what I call, the "Place Of God" as a teenager. Establish the principles of God now while you are young and still in school; don't wait until you become an adult. Get grounded in God while you don't have the distractions that you...
Do you know what attracts other people to Christ? Confidence. That's why is it important to have a good self-image. Confidence attracts other people. Why? Because they like to see confidence! Here's a prime example: a few years ago I was called to jury duty. There...
Negative Self-Talk
Negative self-talk—who told you that you were dumb? Who told you that you were ugly? Who told you? I love the Scripture in Genesis, when God was looking for Adam and Eve, they hid from Him. It says that they hid because they were naked. So Adam said, "I heard Your...
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